Wednesday, June 22, 2016

What I Wanted to Share About #AHIPInstitute on #HCBiz blab today

Sorry about the technical difficulties in today’s #HCBiz blab – unfortunate when you never really know what causes these connectivity issues.

Here are some very quick (and dirty formatted) notes I took but didn’t really get a chance to share during the blab. And I have a lot more but not enough time to share right now...

1. What is AHIP (org and conference)?

a. Amer Health Insurance Plans
b. Lobbying organization
c. It's the 'HIMSS' for health plans/payers

2. Who attends the conference?

a. Mostly Health plan execs, those involved with risk-bearing provider organizations, lots of vendors trying to sell into that space.

b. Some associations like The Joint Commission, public health organizations

3. What were the major themes of the conference?

a. Value-based Reimbursement,
b. Social Determinants of Health,
c. Telemedicine,
d. Innovation, - Corporate Investments

e. Population Health

Major themes are dictated by fact that healthplans are changing.

Payers are collaborating with providers more. More direct to consumer health solutions firms

4. Did you find anything particularly new/exciting?

a. A couple of the sessions were good.

b. Many vendors and payers at the AHIP Institute didn’t seem to be as good with sharing and promoting their products and services information as vendors and providers at HIMSS

c. Some of the corporate investing – Mark Stryker of GuideWell and Rob Coppedge of Cambia

d. Guidewell (BCBS of FL) had an “Insights” stage where they interviewed a lot of speakers and others involved with the event

5. What disappointed you about the show? 

A lot of superficial information in some of the sessions and keynotes.

Keynotes where some of the keynoters plugged products they have interests in

Two of the sessions I attended were painful to experience: poor speakers, IMO, not a lot of good, real information or insight

Slides you couldn’t read

Presentation materials – no handouts!

Aggressive vendors – 3 or 4 people standing in line staring at you as you approach their booth - blocking their table – Facing Offensive line of the

6. You’ve been focusing on SDOH quite a bit lately. What did you see from payers/vendors in addressing those issues?

a. Lot of talk about the value of addressing sdoh and behavioral health issues, impact to risk assessment and management

b. It’s clear that now even more people besides payers and providers have to be involved with supporting positive patient health outcomes

c. Not a lot of specifics as far as programs and tools

So again, sorry about not being able to share. I'll try again with Blab someday - maybe. :( 

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