Note: I've left off who tweeted each of the following. If you want more information, see the @Symplur transcript here.
T1: What needs in healthcare does social media address?
1. Tremendous opportunities that remain untapped in #healthcare and #SoMe!
2. SoMe is the new go to place for community, support, & resources that HC no longer provides.
3. We get more engaged patients
4. First and foremost, healthcare needs to understand how social can actually drive outcomes. Work backward from there.
5. The Social Media Space is the Public Square of our time:a place learn fr neighbors far &near re healthcare needs/desires ~
6. In #healthcare, the qn for many involved in pt care is "To Tweet or Not To Tweet?!" My answer: "Embrace Thy Twitterfeed!"
7. #hcsm is *the* tool for PtEngagement
8. I think SM is great platform for education/awareness, but still need to find how it can drive outcomes
9. #SocialMedia in #Healthcare - possibilities! Grassroots interest in #health matters, broad reach, flattens the medical hierachy.
10. #hcsm address patient engagement, communication needs - can also dispell myths in health care
11. I think social media is a way to reach communities who are resistant or hesistant to reach doctors in a more traditional way
12. #HCSM can support patient engagement with health team and other patients, can help educate and motivate entire health team!
13. I think SoMe is a symptom of HC no longer being patient centered. Ironically it is also the cure I believe
14. Personally, I find #SoMe to be a tremendous and STILL underutilized resource in #healthcare!!
15. Social media in #healthcare brings health care professionals to where their patients are - in the digital space
16. Social media is a major driver of democratization of access to healthcare information.
17. #Socialmedia #analytics also incredibly useful for monitoring and predicting #health conditions - outbreaks, sentiment, etc.
18. For MDs:it is the opportunity not only to learn about/from patients but to impart knowledge when appropriate, correct rumor~
19. #HITsm expands the audience from local to international in 1 click
20. #SocialMedia gives almost instance access to #healthcare #resources, #discussions, #forums as search engines do
21. We have to USE #SoMe to take the conversations to where our patients are!!
22. I wrote about how physician can leverage SM to increase patient engagement here:
23. I think social media can add great value to the #ptexp & #patientengagement.
24. Can we clarify how social can be used for improved #ptexp? Platform to just share info? Or is social pivotal to care delivery?
25. "Next top priority for HIT investment" seemed to be in area of #PatientEngagement #ptexp
26. SOME patients. RT @RasuShrestha: We have to USE #SoMe to take conversations to where our patients are!!
27. #HCSM is a tool for connecting people, offers support in a comfortable way, reaches people that might otherwise not engage.
28. In the recent case of #RobinWilliams and his #suicide, spread the word, facilitated access to crisis lines. #spsm
29. In #Healthcare, you have to go to where your patients are! And today, patients more than ever before are in #SoMe.
30. In the case of #ALS & the #IceBucketChallenges, presented an innovative way to raise awareness, #fundraising.
31. #HCSM makes world smaller and brings the conversation local, even if the patents are on different continents.
32. Here's why: Go where the patients are: Why this doctor is active on social media
33. Any healthcare at home is an improved patient experience.
34. While I feel #Some is inappropriate for direct medical advice, it is revolutionary for getting resources out.
35. Patients are on social media, physicians should be as well-best way to reach younger demo
36. Both,base on #patient demographics, #hclit, #privacy concerns. Embracing #SoMe involves complex #ptexp variables.
37. Would this be by searching for key words in certain locations? I.e. a lot of "I feel sick" tweets in Atlanta
38. Will the "marketing" messages meet the needs of patients currently as is?
39. That's more sentiment analytics than SM
40. Social media could be used as a platform to get a second opinion from top doctors that are not in a patients area
41. It needs to focus on increasing overall #healthliteracy, to facilitate #PatientEmpowerment.
42. Through social, e-consults, and #telehealth, docs can provide care to patients in home , where patient is comfortable
43. Interesting blog: "ER Doctors Excel at Social Media: Here’s Why"
44. Seeing great value of #SoMe here:democratization,track dz,patient comfort, MD outreach & education,global, find HC info Etc
45. Key words in certain locations? I.e. "I feel sick" tweets in Atlanta
46. SoMe isn't a place for diagnosis, it's for raising med literacy rate so patients can help diagnosis with their doc.
47. REALITY CHECK >> Patients often go to Dr Google before they come to Dr Shrestha in the clinic.
48. Is there a role for sentiment analysis in social media in healthcare to analyze #ptexp - #hcsm
49. Connecting patients is big. As a patient you can be lost and overwhelmed, connecting with others in same situation is a gift.
50. Privacy/security = huge. Consumers losing faith in platforms bc of trust. Begs question Public v. private communties
51. It is a given that when it comes to #patienteducation, encouraging #healthliteracy in our #patients, we need help
52. Telehealth has the potential to reduce the distance from clinic to patient. Face to face is reality via phone. #patientsfirst
53. I'm quite impressed that so many are gathering, sharing info on #cancer #diabetes #lupus, and so on.
54. It can drive outcomes if people know where to look and find trusted/credible info.
55. There is little if any regulation, standardization, credentialing in internet #healthcare, #BuyerBeware.
56. With stories every week of firings over #socialmedia postings, #HIPAA violations, can understand hesitation.
57. Yes, but we can be careful around #HIPAA, and not be held back. Agree?
58. When a carelessly composed tweet, #Facebook posting can get you fired, many pick "Not To Tweet."
59. #Hotspotting Amanda. Identify most at risk patients, lead them to resources, counseling, help online.
60. If more people knew eating #Salad could trip up their #Coumadin levels, we'd have fewer crises.
61. More connections will hopefully break the sillos of knowledge experience sharing what have others done and what r they doing now
62. #Twitter is a tool, not an end all be all. Agree?
63. Social Media has the potential to turn the #medicalprofession #healthcare on it's ear :)
64. Yes, spend a good deal of time clearing up #Myths #Misconception #Misinformation on #MHStigma
65. Social media provides informal, communal space for essential dialogue on cutting edge research. #CER #PCOR
66. We do have mint for healthcare <- start
67. Conversely, those that #Trailblaze #AdoptEarly will make mistakes, will reap huge benefits.
68. #SocialMedia is moving very quickly, especially in the area of #healthcare.
69. #SocialMedia is moving quickly, With or Without, the support of #healthcare #modernmedicine.
70. When four #nursingstudents posted #placentapictures on #Facebook, it all changed.
71. Within weeks to months, every #hospital, #nursingschool created #socialmedia guidelines
72. It is worth to note the #expelled #nursingstudents were reinstated by a federal judge.
73. Apparently the #studenthandbooks had no mention of #SocialMedia in 2010.
74. Yes, though it is basic commonsense and courtesy.
75. Lotsa #EarlyAdopters, #PositiveRoleModels on #Some.
76. Per PEW Internet Research, 6/10 Americans turn to the Internet First, for health inquiries.
T2: How can social media be utilized in the transition from volume-based to value-based medicine?
1. Value comes through better engaged patients who utilize less resources and are proactive.
2. VALUE based medicine trumps Volume based care any day of the week #SoMe is the vehicle!
3. SM can help physicians check in with patients to ensure positive treatment outcomes, thereby increasing reimbursements
4. VALUE based medicine is about promoting APPROPRIATENESS in care. #SoMe creates useful dialogue around this.
5. #HCSM at its tops has ability to educate the public re self care,basic diseases,lifestyle~if heed>get less volume, more value
6. It helps foster better understanding of a patients life & struggles. It gives a more complete pic of the patient
7. #SoMe can be a tremendous vehicle for care TRANSFORMATION - spreading #healthcare info!
8. Social Media Validation of Appropriateness of care key input to Pt Decision making
9. #telehealth initiatives and #mhealth apps, and #hcsm can help raise medical literacy rates and connect w/patients easily.
10. Value based medicine = better care coordination. #SoMe is a powerful change agent for care coordination
11. Value based care = transparency AND accountability. #SoMe is a great vehicle for both.
12. The (intended) core of social media IS VALUE.
13. SM is personal, sometimes a one-on-one connection, it's not always an ice bucket challenge and that can be more meaningful.
14. Superior #PtExp and Healthcare Price Transparency #hcpt are key drivers of VALUE based care
15. SoMe also brings patients into HC training/education which needs to happen in med school more
16. In order to find it, we have to be consistent about putting messages in one place. Means COMMITMENT.
17. Value based medicine must be defined by the pt. In telehealth, better engagement potential, easier use of standardized tools
18. #ACOs are looking at #SoMe to engage in meaningful dialogue and #PatientEngagement
19. Where do you see "one place" for msgs?
20. SM is personal, valuable patient info. Plus people feel more comfortable asking questions online/anonymously
21. #socialmedia sites from hospitals and health systems promote community health initiatives, play role of engaging/informing
22. SM = value based when you reach a pt pop that might not have gotten the message or connected - look at recent #COPD tweetchats
23. Can I get the info i need from Twitter? Or is it required to build a secure platform/portal for health msgs? Not sure.
24. SM can be less threatening, let people get used to their DX, see what others day, feel they are part of community = value
25. Reality Check >>> Value in health care remains largely unmeasured and misunderstood Agree?
26. Good read for later: What Is Value in Health Care? @NEJM
27. SoMe puts the individual back into HC instead of just corporate profits. People centered solutions add value
28. HUGE opportunity for mobile apps & #gamification of #healthcare to impact outcomes!
29. "Social media & mobility - Empowering citizens toward social and economic participation"
30. Key is to reach other areas that #some might not. Learn from #globalhealth?
31. Re SoMe not able to reach all~access,age etc>need to brainstorm on #SoMe how to take info/experience>real life 4 those ppl ~
32. How about educational twitter feeds into patient portals?
33. Here's where I can see a real value to SM in healthcare -- from a consumer buying perspective.
34. Patients will continue to search web b4 talking to Dr. Need for increased access to personalized research-based health info.
35. Yes, because it is much cheaper to #SelfDiagnosis, Treat than pay astronomical medical bills :(
36. Where does that leave #patients who incorrectly diagnose, treat, stay ill because thought they had credible info?
37. Payers and providers alike are looking at #SoMe to ENGAGE patients and members
T3: How would you connect specific types of healthcare information and needs with specific social media platforms?
1. SM can also impact communities that are notoriously distrustful of doctors. They can source others opinions
2. Yes, in #globalhealth and local health, cell phones seem prevalent. Access seems there.
3. Patient portals are the best opportunity to connect healthcare and social media in a place where phys and pts already are
4. #SoMe depth and breadth can be astounding! Healthcare organizations should get ahead of the trends. Skate to puck?
5. SMhas power to connect #healthcare researchers with people they may not always meet at a conference of colleagues.
6. We know from marketing literature that certain #SoMe platforms better suited 2certain ppl/functions ~must utilize that exp.
7. Patients likely to seek answers online thru: 1 WebMD 2 Wikipedia 3 Facebook 4 Youtube 5 Blogs 6 Pt communities 7 Twitter
8. Pick social platforms of where their patients are... match community to platform.
9. Patient portals as they are today are not the answer. #HCSM is an active dialogue, no dialogue is happing in these portals
10. Digital activities online vs Impact on healthcare outcomes @connectedmed
11. For example:Facebook appeals to older demographic, is long form.Twitter younger audience, mobile~ Pinterest:women ~Video>ALL!
12. Need patient portals that incorporate patient online communities, social media streams
13. hospitals & doc in box clinics should have easily accessed iPads/laptops for patient research opp. Docs should help
14. How many patient portals incorporate sm? I haven't seen that yet, but it would be cool.
15. Wikipedia is the LEADING single source of healthcare information for patients and healthcare professionals #hcsm
16. If the technology is in their pocket (phone), then ensure the approach works with their mobile device.
17. @Technology_Adv did a study on patient portal usage and what patients want to use them for
18. How would you use instagram? Younger demo moving here leaving facebook
19. Jumping in. T3. Social media gives patients a collective voice & community. Can be a comm tool with providers.
20. Pts are concerned about the validity and neutrality of the info they seek out. Wikipedia is an interesting play in this.
21. I use Wikipedia only as a starting point to educate myself about a topic - any topic. @RasuShrestha
22. HC education should happen in elementary thru high school. Let kids today design better SoMe portals/experience
23. #Wikipedia may be the leading source, but it is also rife with misleading information.
24. Absolutely agree, with laggy or anemic turnaround in existing portal messaging
25. Twitter is great for SPECIFIC patient groups to engage continually or in regular Tweetchats e.g. #BCSM #LCSM
26. The only challenge is when have multiple docs and multiple portals... role of PHR, maybe.
27. What about the role of #SoMe in connecting patients and their doctors?
28. SOME ads leading them to resources @JohnSharp @nxtstop1 How would you use instagram? Younger demo moving here leaving facebook
29. Facebook great 4 community engagement, Twitter for info-content sharing. Content can be translatable across platforms
30. Vine would be interesting too. You can communicate a lot in 6 seconds.
31. There is a reason #collegeprofessors will not accept #Wikipedia as references in research papers.
32. Twitter is also great for superb dialogue around healthcare leaders and pt advocates etc e.g. #HCLDR #HITsm
33. Also important for journals to encourage research that is more patient-accessible.
34. All of them to a small degree, mostly with #SoMe buttons to share their own content.
35. Patients are more open to getting at "any" info through. This is a challenge/opportunity? @nursefriendly
36. Maybe 1 portal, it goes with pt and docs get access, its not about the doc. @jonmertz @katseyemedia @JohnSharp challenge when...
37. Regional dialogue can open doors to international conversations via Tweetchats such as #HCSMCA & #HealthXPh
38. #SoMe presents healthcare with the question of "Is the medium the message?"
39. SoMe & HC need more main stream media time. We need more people in conversion cause that will expand opportunities
40. Audiences moving from one social network to another is another good example to remember to make your website your hub.
41. Interesting article: "Facebook and physicians: Not good medicine"
42. Key point - it IS about the patient so make it patient-centered.
43. Think and see that #hospitals are getting more proactive in monitoring #patients, encouraging wellness.
44. I don't see much about Reddit in these convos—opportunity for longer posts, audience targeting, visibility etc. Thoughts?
45. Also twitter great for rare disease people to find each other. @RasuShrestha
46. It'd be interesting to see ability to search hashtags on dx through portal.
47. I am fascinated with the concept of centralizing social in HC for UX & ptexp.
48. Patients are THIRSTY for knowledge and a helping hand #SoMe delivered intelligently can quench this thirst
49. In some like @grouphealth patient portals are a key way to stay connected to care teams
50. Isn't the challenge with using Google separating signal from noise?
51. Opportunity,also challenge.If MD active #HCSM :try 2 B clued into major sources being looked at & vet/converse
52. How about Vine for Pt education post keeping with Pt Attention spans?
53. How about this hashtag #secondopinon -
54. Yes! Very improtant to remember that social is a #healthdata source!
55. Sad to say, but having the #patient in the loop is a liability to the bottom line :(
56. I've found G+ communities to be a great way to connect patients, low key, non threatening, supportive to family too.
57. Vine and Instagram great for patient ed. videos. Pintrest for promoting public and community health like menus/exercise
58. Vine for patients. Love this because it plays up simplicity of some health behaviors too. 6 secs. BOOM.
59. #SoMe in health is unique in its ability of communicating 1 to many and linking people to experts & community support
60. YouTube, Vine allow for patient-generated engagement with health. Thinking about videos from @ImproveCareNow.
61. True! Def need to think about what audience you're trying to reach and why—and which you know how to best use.
62. Pinterest can be gr8 tool for health resources! @wingofzock Pinterest for promoting public/community health like menus/exercise
63. Opening up the black hole of pinterest boards of brownie recipes in my EHR scary
64. Here is one hospital's Pinterest
65. Big and small screens in waiting rooms for patient education, resources, community finding, social support.
66. Target information where those specific patients are already comfortable sharing health information.
67. Sending the PT to the Health Information Pinterest Board in a portal, there's
68. Would you say patient chooses best method of communication, which could include #socialmedia? options
69. Needs to include #cloud as part of the #eim and care coordination. #mhealth #ecm
70. #Bioethx #BCSM #HCLDR #DSMA #HPM #MedEd #Medlibs #Healthxph #hitchicks
71. Jon, you do realize 99.9% of #healthcare focus on "PatientCenteredCare" is lipservice?
72. With 20 cents/dollar going to healthcare in the USA, too many feeding at the trough.
T4: What metrics can be developed to measure the contribution social media makes to healthcare outcomes?
1. Curious, R there any resources that provide evidence of SM influence on better patient health outcomes or speak to more pt eng?
2. #SoMe can provide real-world goldmine of information for drugmakers willing to listen and engage
3. Remember the real goal of using tech in health is for people to be healthy and no longer need your services
4. So long as the pt gave permission. I bet some would feel violated.
5. Dialogue around #healthcare outcomes needs to focus on metrics such as 1 Patient satisfaction 2 Quality 3 Engagement
6. Discussions between #doctors, #patients, #nurses on most topics here:
7. Communication, Collaboration and Critical Thinking = Quality Outcomes Do you agree?
8. Metrics that track #SoMe reach, relevance & relationship = basis for assessing a company’s engagement with pts over time
9. @IMSHealth recommends measuring social media indices around: 1 Reach 2 Relevance 3 Relationship
10. How social media influences our behavior is hard to measure. Especially if we want to cite source.
11. Engagement and satisfaction with care are big factors. Increased dialogue on sites determine value of info?
12. #ACA examines bonus and points to health reform priorities in terms of clinical and quality outcomes
13. Metrics outside of healthcare in regards to social are literally linked to hard ROI - in its many forms. HC similar?
14. As the patients quality of life improving should be the main metric.
15. This one is tough, maybe we start by following our gut, knowing it's next step in evolution of healthcare, let metrics follow
16. Metrics include visits to a particular website, Calls to a crisis line (lots when #RobinWilliams died)
17. Metrics:If MD office /organization using SoMe:do short survey conducted via major platform.Q:Clarity care?Education?Comfort?
18. Quality of life as a metric - - now that's a superb idea!
19. My fitness apps sync w/ social streams: deliver results, warnings to me so I know when I'm unhealthy and when to contact HCP.
20. Tough to reward gut based decisions though! @katseyemedia
21. Can we measure how somebody is feeling by their social media activity? Maybe.
22. How do you define that though? Surveys? People hate surveys.
23. Metrics include compliance with recommended learning activities.
24. Maybe metrics are individual patient specific, outcomes / value tracked in the portal? Could lead to evidenced based examples
25. Should we hold social media to same outcomes standard as any other medical or healthcare intervention?
26. What are some tips for measuring #some engagement metrics? How can we move determining value of #hscm in RT's/page views?
27. Using social to drive use of resources and tools can easily be a social media metric for healthcare.
28. The consumate social media e-patient @ePatientDave would agree! I'm sure.
29. Metrics 2 be gathered via disease management, quality, safety, and med. adherence via #datamining initiatives
30. Sentiment analysis is used for taking the temperture of groups on social media but still evolving
31. Compliance with meds/healthy habits @nursefriendly @CareFuturist Metrics include compliance w/ recommended learning activities
32. Assessment of social media ROI is best done in context of the overall marketing and communication strategy. Agree?
33. Quality of life discussions should happen at initial visit and continue throughout care.
34. FollowTheMoney How many millions were raised for the #IceBucketChallenge for ALS research?
35. Good question. I have concerns w/ tying social so closely to actual medical practice though. Thoughts?
36. How many videos were made, shared, viewed on the #IceBucketChallenge?
37. Medication Management is moving to #social, #mobile and #digitalhealth . Can u imagine the rise n compliance?
38. Measurment of value not be RTs but value in care msrd by imprvmnt in health and Pt satisfaction
39. Reinforces fact that we need savvy marketers in HC to measure & drive success
40. It blows my mind that we haven't started implementing online learning for #patients.
41. There is often a a marketing orientation in #HCSM vs improving health outcomes or experience
42. Quantity, QUALITY and stickiness factor?
43. Your #SoMe need not be intimately tied to specific "outcomes" If patients like what yr doing, it resonates with them>all good
44. If we don't tie #SoMe to clinical care, how big an impact can it have?
45. We have the #computingpower, the programming talent. Excellent way to educate patients.
46. #telehealth, #mhealth and #mobilemed have ability to transform care/add value when used with #hcsm. All part of
47. Access to information is at the core of health behavior change. In short - A TON! :)
48. True that. Outcomes may be a side effect of efficient and effective #SoMe, not a direct effect. @nxtstop1
49. We need to hold medical community responsible for "method of communication" that is best fit 4 pt. situation
50. We could easily gauge potential outcomes by evaluating #patient knowledge online, then FollowUp.
51. Not about clicks imo - its about health, Pts and Providers
52. SoMe simply tool to better health in whatever way suitable 4 your practice & organization.There 2 utilize,b creative,connect
53. Engaged patient = connected patient = informed patient Would that be the goal? @Cascadia
54. For social media, we need to separate the signal from the noise and the hype from the impact for outcomes!
55. Website monitoring, booked appointments, referrals, etc can all be measured when asking " how did u hear this"
56. How a/b a compromise? A bit of patient education and a bit of flexibility of delivery of communicaiton.
57. Social media is soon becoming and important parameter in health
58. Used effectively, social media presents opps across the care spectrum, impacting misdiagnosis, adherence, readmittance...
59. Clicks are a measurable action that, if designed properly, lead to health. IMO.
60. As a movement i guess the biggest draw back is lack of participation from all the elements
61. Naturally, do a #diabetic primer, test at the end before initial visit.
62. Hotspotting, do online #educational modules for most expensive #patients
63. #Hotspotting - , Identify knowedge gaps that lead to increased costs.
64. We can track behaviors online NOW. If that means tracking how patients access digital resources = step toward health
Miscellaneous Tweets (Not sure which topic to assign)
1. #HCSM Pt <----> Provider Provider <--- >Provider Pt<---->Pt Connecting all the elements
2. Yes. Democratization isn't always 100% helpful. Misinformation can spread just as easily.
3. Social media can impact rural areas. This is way to draw in patients and engage them.
4. Secure platforms = silos. I can't wait for the day when we have the @mint for healthcare
5. Unfortunately, #SoMe only reaches % population. Underserved, hi-risk pops may lack access
6. Payers, especially our government is using social media.
7. A Tool,A Platform>exquisitely designed 4 HC! MT @RasuShrestha #Twitter is a tool, not an end all Agree?
8. Underserved communities may be on social media more that you think - sports, music, why not health?
9. Oddly, a large percentage of underserved in US have a functioning cell phone.
10. Yes! I hope we don't fall prey to shiny object syndrome with social media. Definitely a tool, not a silver bullet
11. Do we engage our provider on SM if we're not a chronic care patient? How does SM help a casual patient w/ the casual encounter?
12. True! & if we stopped focusing #healthcare industry assessments on #Medicare, how #SoMe/#hclit perception would change?
13. You bet - SM ongoing engagement with Provider for healthy choices, support and +ve reinforcement
14. No surprise #studenthandbooks dont mention #SoMe - #MedEd Waaay behind
15. The Gravity of Misinformation via @HealthyLiving
16. Saw a great response yesterday in real time from @IntermtnMedCtr - what a triumph in #ptengagement!
17. Very cool. See this one? Not sure this counts as education, but interesting nonetheless
18. Yes- #SoMe isn't joining FB ( many think). It's resources like health edu., prevent. care via info links
19. Including access to all the org's #SoMe accounts w/i portal must be just around corner.
20. This is the only resource I know, for Instagram. Called #hyperlapse
21. I think the ultimate transformation would be through advances in other "media" : mobile telemed especially telemed IMHO
22. Portal provides the filter and limits the wikipedia misinformation, but do they know that it exists?
23. Access & curation of info is key MT @arwmd @SamRyanTMED portal provides limits to wikipdia misinfo, but do pts know it exists?
General and Off the Wall Tweets
1. Had to pause - Blue Angels overhead practicing for Cleveland Airshow
2. Got scared first time CMS account followed me on twitter
3. Jumping back out of to meet my FAVORITE #EHR vendor's client delivery VP, ask him why his CEHRT can't provide IHE-compliant CCDA
4. Imagine opening pt page in EHR and his/her twitter/fb/pintrest pops up
5. My favorites: #Bioethx #Nurseup #HCLDR #MedPsych #HPM #DSMA #MHStigma #Meded #Healthxph #MHPchat
6. How Twitter helped saved a life. Hospital arrange livesaving transport by discussing directly w/ patient.
7. @nursefriendly Issues with self/misdiagnosis cannot be addressed with any single platform or channel, including social media.
8. Very cool initiative from @DartmouthHitch - Using Pinterest 2 help w/ideas 4 healthy school lunches:
9. Thoughts on securing social properties in light of the recent #malware attacks at CHS and UPMC?
10. From long ago ('99) and originally a non-HC view, spirit of "Cluetrain" important in ?
11. Opportunity to improve #patientsatisfaction using social media, both while in facility and immediate following discharge
12. 41% of people said #SoMe would affect their choice of a specific doctor, hospital, or medical facility
13. 40% of consumers say that info found via social media affects the way they deal with their health
CT: Any closing thoughts or nuggets you may have learned today that you apply immediately?
1. The rise of the empowered patient may threaten the previous stature of the physician as the sole decision maker! Ger ready!
2. This is a new world for all stakeholder and especially caregivers who bear the burden of much care.
3. HCPs can learn from pts engaging in #SoMe about their conditions and the realities of living with them = OPPORTUNITY!
4. In the future can our emotions automatically go into mobile devices and social media? Do we want this? It could help.
5. Let's pick 2 #hcsm tools and focus on making them effective and useful tools for patient engagement - let's start now!
6. Simplify AND exemplify!!
7. Closing thought - 1 real power of SoMe in health when it pulls (vs pushes) knowledge in & redistributes it equitabily