Friday, September 19, 2014

Nine Questions to Ask Yourself Before Following Someone on Twitter

With all the people and companies on Twitter, how does one decide who to follow? Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you decide who to follow on Twitter.

1. Does the person appear knowledgeable about the area(s) you’re interested in?

Sure you can learn from just about everyone but why follow someone unless they have information pertaining to your interests?

2. Does the person actually work in the area of interest or a related industry?

Someone working in the industry would be in good position to know of and share valuable and timely information.

3. How much of the information, opinion and perspective provided are actually useful and actionable?

4. How often is the person quoted and/or interviewed by others having a platform?

People are quoted and interviewed by others for a reason. Some of my best follows were found after reading their comments in a trade publication.

5. Does the person run a blog and/or contribute to popular forums? Do they regularly participate in tweetchats?

People who regularly blog, contribute content to other sites and/or participate in tweetchats seem to have better content to share than those that don’t. IMO.

6. Does the person attend and/or present at conferences, webinars and other venues?

These people often create or have access to great content that they often share via Twitter.

7. Does the person offer any contradictory opinion or insight? Or are they just “Go Along to Get Along,” Pollyannaish-types who will tell you what you want to hear?

Contrarians and people willing to take an unpopular stance and/or confront popular opinion can offer tremendous insight and shouldn't be discounted. 

8. Who are the people that currently follow them?

You can learn a lot about a person by who hangs out with them. Look at who follows the person you are thinking of following. 

9. How often does the person post?

Is there really any value to following someone who posts once or twice a month?

Good Call!

8/22/16: Dr. Mark Yoffe, MD: There’s value to following someone who posts only once or twice a month as long as what they say is thoughtful, useful, & timely! Tweet Here

So next time you're wondering who to follow, consider the above. or do as I sometimes do and just follow someone for the heck of it. You may even want to follow me - just for the heck of it. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Drowning in a bucket of water is NOT funny, NOT zany, NOT wacky and NOT bizarre!

Many people and companies think that ICD-10 code W16.221 – “Fall into a bucket of water, causing drowning and submersion” is "funny," "zany," “wacky" and/or "bizarre.”  

Death by drowning is none of those adjectives.

Unfortunately infants and toddlers do drown in buckets – way more often than people might think. And the buckets don't have to be very big.

Most responsible parents know this and don’t leave buckets of water out while infants and toddlers are nearby. This ICD-10 code is consistently listed among the “wacky” and “funny” codes and there’s nothing funny about anyone drowning – especially an infant or toddler. Anywhere from 10 to 40 children a year drown in buckets nationwide. Check out the following and let me know how funny, zany, wacky and bizarre drowning in a bucket sounds.

Though rare, common household buckets responsible for child drowning deaths

Bucket-Related Drownings in the United States, 1984 Through 1990

Infants & Toddlers Can Drown in 5-Gallon Buckets

Buckets can kill small children

WARNING: An Unsuspected Cause of Infant & Toddler Drownings

For all those who want to make fun of ICD-10 codes, please stick with Z63.1 Problems with In-laws or V97.33 Sucked into a jet engine.

The above was originally posted here:

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Top 38 Lists of Who to Follow on Twitter for Healthcare Information

Just like those billboards touting the “#1 Steakhouse,” there are lots of people and companies voted “top” and “best” to follow on Twitter for healthcare and related news and information. Most – if not all - of these lists are opinion-based. Here are some lists of people, companies and blogs to follow on Twitter for healthcare and related information. You decide.

People & Companies

20 Hospital and Health System Leaders to Follow on Twitter

5 CEOs of Healthcare IT Companies To Follow On Twitter

Top Healthcare CIOs to Follow on Twitter

My Twitter List of Hospitals & Health Systems on Twitter

News Organizations & Journalists
Miscellaneous Healthcare Topics

How to Find Your Own People and Companies to Follow

And if you want to find others to follow on Twitter, check out the following hashtags and tools

24 Twitter hashtags the healthcare industry needs to follow

Most Popular Hashtags For The Healthcare Industry

5 powerful health care Twitter hashtags to check out

Social listening in pharma - top 15 healthcare hashtags

Three Key Tools to Discover Healthcare Twitter Influencers

Of course you can also follow me on Twitter for ongoing information and news on healthcare, information technology and related topics.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Top 10 #healthit Blog Posts for 1st Eight Months of 2014

Here are the top 10 posts from this blog for the 1st eight months of 2014. Each post had over 100 unique visitors with the number 1 post receiving 486 unique views.












Day 1 - Question 1 of #20HIT Project by

Today is the kick-off of 20 Questions for Health IT project promoted by Chad Johnson of This is an interesting project; sort of like an slow-motion, extended tweetchat. You can track it on Twitter using the #20HIT hashtag.

Question #1:

In what ways will personal health information exchange change patient engagement through individual ownership of the health record?

In order to answer this question of what “individual ownership of a health record” means, I think I’d have to have answers to and understand what “ownership” means. For instance…

1. What measures, events and “things” should I include in my personal health record? i.e. beyond the usual items on a History & Physical (H & P).

2. Which items in my health record require that I maintain a history of their values? Ex. Do I have to save everything with a date?

3. What are the baseline technical skills I should possess to manage my record? eg. Understanding of basic file formats (CSV, Fixed Length, XML?), How to import/export data? Etc.

4. How would I know which items I should pay extra attention to? Or should I not be doing any review/monitoring/interpretation at all and leave that to physicians?

5. What means of annotation, tagging and commentary are reasonable and are there any standards I could use to promote clarity and consistency?

I’m sure there are other questions to help define “ownership.” What do you think? Leave your responses at the HL7Standards blog or here.