Thursday, December 15, 2016

Collection of Predictions about Healthcare & Healthcare Technology in 2017

Here We Go Again!

It’s the time of year when all the industry leaders, professionals, consultants, prophets, clairvoyants, luminaries and doyens share their predictions on what to expect in healthcare and healthcare information technology for the following year. Since last year’s collection of predictions and trends was one of my more popular shares, I thought I’d do it again.

So here you are: a healthy sampling of what's predicted for the healthcare space in 2017. If I can scrounge up some time, I may go through last year’s predictions and see how many of those predictions for 2016 were spot on, partially achieved or not even close.

Note: I will update this post with new posts on 2017 trends and predictions as I find them.

Predictions & Trends for 2017

“2017 Healthcare IT Predictions – Part 1” Added: 2/4/17

“Predictions For an Unpredictable Year” Added: 2/4/17

“Five predictions for health tech and services in 2017” Added: 2/4/17

“6 Healthcare Predictions for 2017” Added: 2/4/17

Top 10 Predictions: Healthcare Industry Changes for 2017”  Added: 1/12/17

“4 Predictions for Health It in the Next Decade” Added: 1/12/17

“DirectTrust Outlines Five Health Information Technology Trends to Watch in 2017” Added: 1/12/17

“Predictions for the year ahead: healthcare IT suppliers on 2017” Added: 1/12/17

“Predictions for the year ahead: UK digital health leaders on 2017” Added: 1/12/17

9 Healthcare Predictions For 2017” Added: 1/7/17

“2017 Technology Trends to Watch in the Health Industry” Added: 1/7/17

“Health Care Predictions 2017: Preparing for another upheaval” Added: 1/7/17

“10 Predictions for Health IT in 2017” (Based on IDC list) Added: 1/7/17

“The Biggest, Boldest Health Predictions For 2017—Crowdsourced From You” Added: 1/7/17

“Eight digital health predictions for 2017” Added: 1/7/17

“SCIO Health Analytics Releases Predictions on 2017 Healthcare Market Trends” Added: 1/7/17

“Health Care Predictions 2017: Preparing for another upheaval” Added: 01/04/17

“Top 4 Healthcare IT Predictions for 2017”  Added: 01/04/17

“Healthcare Data 2017: Top 8 Predictions” Added: 01/04/17

“Top 5 Predictions for Mobile Health in 2017” Added: 01/04/17

“Eight digital health predictions for 2017” Added: 01/04/17

“5 of the top issues for the healthcare industry in 2017” Added: 01/04/17

2017 in Life Sciences: The Transition to Outcome Based Care Continues” Added: 12/29/16

“5 healthcare technology predictions for 2017 from Connexica” Added: 12/29/16

“2017 Healthcare Trends Forecast: Spok Leaders Weigh In” Added: 12/29/16

“2017 Predictions from Healthcare Leaders Across the Country” Added: 12/28/16

“10 Predictions for How the Healthcare Industry Will Change in 2017” Added: 12/22/16

“4 Business Trends to Watch in the Insurance Industry for 2017” Added: 12/22/16

“Post-Election Predictions for the Healthcare Industry” Added: 12/22/16

“7 (plus 1) predictions for healthcare IT in 2017” Added: 12/20/16

“5 Digital Health Predictions for 2017” Added: 12/20/16

“Predictions for 2017 in Physical Therapy & Healthcare” Added: 12/20/16

“Healthcare Winners and Losers for 2017” Added: 12/17/16

“2017 Predictions: Big Data, Digital, and Virtual Care Key to Engage Healthcare’s Empowered Consumer” Added: 12/17/16

“Coming Soon to Your Hospital: IoT, Cognitive Computing, Robots and More Ransomware” Added: 12/17/16

“Tom Main and Welltok’s Jeff Margolis Make Their 2017 Predictions”Added: 12/15/16

Originally Posted List Starts Here

“5 Healthcare IT Trends to Watch In 2017”

"Top health industry issues of 2017: A year of uncertainty and opportunity"

"Uncertainty. Opportunity. It'll all be there for healthcare in 2017, PwC says"

"Upcoming Trends and Innovations in Healthcare IT 2017"

"What to Watch: Health Care Trends for 2017"

"Healthcare Industry Trends to Watch"

“8 Health Tech Challenges and Opportunities in 2017”

"List Top 10 predictions for IT in 2017 and beyond"

"IDC releases top 10 predictions for healthcare and IT is in the driver's seat"

"Healthcare Technology Trends for 2017"

"These Trends Could Reshape Healthcare Tech in the Very Near Future"

"7 Bold Predictions for Healthcare in 2017"

"Healthcare CFOs weigh in on 2017 challenges, trends in latest surveys"

"5 healthcare technology trends taking center stage in 2017"

"Medical Cost Trend - 2017"

"How Consolidation Will Impact Hospitals and Health Systems in 2017"

"Healthcare Predictions for 2017"

“2017: A year of emerging technologies, partnerships and value-based care”

Following on "Marketing" is very interesting:
"3 Mega Trends for Healthcare Marketers to Leverage in 2017"

Is all of the above just a Fool's Errand?

Happy New Year!

As 2016 winds down, I’d like to thank those of you who’ve visited this blog, engaged with me via other digital channels and in real life, and who have followed me on Twitter. I wish you the best of health, wealth and happiness in 2017.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Thoughts, Ideas, Experiences & Opinions About Healthcare Social Media Ambassadors

Topic #2 of last Sunday’s “Health Care Social Media” Tweetchat - hosted by @HealthSocMed and moderated by @danamlewis asked:

“What do you think about "social media ambassador" roles (formal or informal) at HC organizations? Who should fill these?”

As usual, chat participants offered up a lot of good insight including thoughts, ideas and opinion on whether a Social Media Ambassador (SMA) is an Educator, Docent, a Specialized Traffic Cop - or something else. Also discussed were the skills needed to be effective, lessons learned, concerns about conflict of interest and whether or not SMA’s should receive some sort of remuneration for their efforts. 

Given that HIMSS just announced the Social Media Ambassador's for #HIMSS17, I thought this would be a timely post.

Opinions & Ideas on the Role of Social Media Ambassadors
(Good, Bad & Indifferent - Aren't we all Social Media Ambassadors?)
Love the idea of SoMe ambassadors. I still think this job is still being designed and developed.
"Ambassador" has a distinctly archaic flavor to it. C'mon, ---let's cook up a better, livelier, more relevant term.
SoMe ambassador is an important role that should be filled by a dedicated advocate for your brand, fluent in all social platforms.
Not gonna lie...I remain a bit uncomfortable with ambassadors, or paid advocates, or any non-objective participation.
Struggling with the concept? 'ambassadors' suggests #SoMe is a foreign country. It's modes/spaces of communication where #patients live
Representing an HC org. online as a SM Ambassador is an important role and there should be "rules of engagement"
When the role of the SoMe ambassador and the mission of the relationship are made clear, it can be effecctive, esp. for non-profits
SM Ambassador seems like good idea for HC org. Get someone who understands SM to translate for HCPs at org who don't have time
I think I qualify as one of these. Work alongside internal marketing + healthcare marketing pros.
That said, for a profession, each HCP and student are also ambassadors, regardless they know it or not.
Would like medical schools, insurance co, conferences, etc need SoMe ambassadors too. Not just for HCP.
I agree! I think it should be a dedicated role vs something an HCP is also doing on the side. Ideally, both are happening.
Roles and goals can be unclear, confusing. Transparency around SoMe ambassadorship is critical

(Educator, Informers or Guide? All Three? Or Something Else?)
Not familiar wth idea or concept, ?? How can this be separated from advertising, avoid being self-serving, is education possible?
Totally different. #SoMe ambassadors are informing, not providing patient care.
Maybe instead of ambassadors we should look for more SoMe Educators/Professors. Give the job more power than just messaging
If a HC org. uses a "patient leader" (via @wegohealth) or SM Educator believe the terminology is important.

(What about Patients?)
Ideally these jobs would be given to patients. They speak patient & can translate doc speak. These jobs need flexibility to develop
I do think that social media HC reps can bridge the gaps that intimidate patients from having an active relationship with drs
What Skills Does a Social Media Ambassador Need?
Before an Ambassador can engage they need to know how to listen and share from the POV and mission of the HC org. they represent.
Great social involves admitting ignorance when you don't know. Not all HCPs, or patients, want that.
Its important to note; HC SoMe Ambassadors must convey "accurate" knowledge on behalf of orgs w/ whom they have a relationship.
Big problem is HCP's won't say they don't know. Henceforth, many wrong Dx's.
Not every well established physician is well versed on proper SoMe protocol though so I feel that's a tad much to expect
Considered I am on the well versed end, I have seen my share of blocks on Twitter by students.
But I think HCP's should also know fair share of such platforms. This will make the ambassadors' impact more powerful.
That is why I take it on myself to try to master 1 new social media platform per year.
I have been trying to prove to people that I am a smart HCP, while I am also a strong social media ambassador for OT.
They are always changing. Personally, I recommend playing with many, adopting few.
Absolutely! And people can certainly be great at both jobs. It just means you have two jobs though :)
Communicating and Delivery
Just like life, you can't win everyone. Keep message honest and let haters hate I say
Good positions. Highlight important topics. Points to good research. Promotes camaraderie. Even some customer service.
And it's also too easy to misread friendly comments as rude and unwanted.
You and me both. I find the louder and more vigorously it is said, the less likely it is actually to be true.
I disagree. (Sarcasm. I actually mean I agree, but saying it in a way that seems like a disagree, but it's funny because I agree)
There are people who refuse to listen to critics? Sad!
Lessons Learned
We need to be sure some of these social media advocates for HC orgs aren't taking the place of the patient-physician relationship
Social Media Ambassadors are a great way for health orgs to increase & welcome online engagement from new & current audiences.
The lesson for health orgs: hire & train *everyone* with the assumption that they are your public face.
For those looking to be Social Media Ambassadors make sure to do your research. Be careful, so you're not taken advantage of.
Payment or Remuneration?
If a HC org uses SM Ambassadors they should be transparent and use clarity. If you hire an agency or staffer reveal.
Interestingly, with social media, it is possible not only not to listen but not to even know criticism exists.
If a Patient Advocate is a Social Media Ambassador for a health org they should most definitely be paid for their time & expertise
I feel disheartened when I see post that is clearly paid, but I also want my friends to GET paid for this! Need a new model
Physicians & keynotes attend events & are paid to do so. SocMed Ambassadors do the same thing. Both stories R still genuine
If you advocate for a restaurant and get free food, it doesn't seem as much a conflict as getting paid cash to do so.
You've got to have a sense of humor to keep your sanity - Lance Bass
Sometimes a little humor keeps the patient or audience engaged. I use humor to educate.
Humor and Empathy are critical
Great! I'll send the request to PEOTUS to find one! Being serious, someone with vision to see both sides.
So what I am doing is literally an HCP impersonation of a social media ambassador... lol!
Thx. Evangelist has been co-opted by biz. I dig Jedi more, though wonder if it might be too lighthearted for hc.