Friday, December 26, 2014

List of Healthcare-Related "Top 10" Lists

It's that time of year! In case you've missed any, here's a collection of what I think are some of the better "Top 10" lists pertaining to healthcare-related topics. For more "top" information throughout 2015, consider following me on Twitter.

Last Updated: 1/05/14 @ 18:00 pm MST

General Healthcare

Providers & Payers


How to Purchase Health Insurance: Collection of Info, How-To's & Tips

The following is a list of articles and blog posts on the topics of purchasing health insurance and using health insurance once it's purchased. I shared these via my twitter account throughout 2014. For more information of this nature, consider following me on Twitter.

Purchasing Coverage

Using The Marketplace

Provider Networks

Subsidies & Related

Out of Pocket Costs

Glossaries & Terminologies


General Tips

Prescriptions, RX and Pharmacy Related


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Beyond the #ICD10Matters Hashtag - Some Ideas for Supporting ICD-10

There sure is a lot of activity being generated recently by those who support ICD-10 and those who are against ICD-10. Hardly a minute goes by that I don’t see a tweet espousing that #ICD10Matters and that there should be #NoDelay to ICD-10. Then in the next minute I see tweets calling for a 2 year delay or outright cancellation of the ICD-10 mandate. Or a blog post about those silly ICD-10 codes with references to flaming water skies and walking into lamp posts. To me, many of these tweets – regardless as to which side they take - are mostly all fire and no heat and provide little, if any, information in support of their position. I suppose ICD-10 rallies and rah-rah support is fine; but there has got to be a better way.

A Better Way?

How might social media be better used to support the ICD-10 mandate and to assist those needing to make the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10? Since I’m on the side supporting ICD-10, I’d like to offer up some ideas to those wanting to use social media - in particular Twitter and blogging platforms - to advance the implementation of ICD-10.

1. Be clear as to who you are trying to reach.

ICD-10 impacts solo practitioners and small practices different than large group practices; certain specialties more or less than other specialties; professionals different than hospitals/facilities. And providers different than health plans. This recent post provides some good insight into how ICD-10 impacts some physician’s differently than others.

Also, consider the role or persona of the person you are trying to reach. Physicians, Coders, HIM/CDI specialists, Office Managers, etc. all have different needs, views and perspectives.

2. Leverage the pain points of certain medical specialties.

ICD-10 will impact certain medical practices to a greater degree than others. I suggest messages carrying content on specific needs and hot-button issues relative to a specific medical practice subset will better resonate and get attention.

3. Provide some value – not just a meaningless Hashtag

Sharing content that supports your position - specialty-specific information, best practices, reference materials, places to go for specific info, lessons learned, etc. – lends credibility and authority to your message.

4. Draw attention to the Big Picture and The Future

Consider how to tune the target’s focus away from basic ICD-10 compliance and toward the importance ICD-10 has on new reimbursement models many providers will be dealing with in the near term. Share the importance of ICD-10 coding in terms of risk adjustment comorbidity, accuracy, and compliance. Call out Medicare and Medicaid’s focus on managed care, accountable care, bundled payments, patient centered medical homes and other payment models that shift risk to providers; and how diagnosis coding and ICD-10 is an important part of participating in these programs.

5. Ensure your message is seen and can be seen

The #NoDelay#ICD10Delay and #ICD10Matters hash tags have been used to help identify ICD-10 content. I’d say the #ICD10 hashtag is the most commonly used tag and should be included in every message shared.

6. Consider leveraging “healthcare IT” and related social media-based events

- There are lots of opportunities to get your message in front of those who are impacted by ICD-10. Consider leveraging the following:

- Work your message into various tweet chats. There are some popular chats like the #hitsm tweetchat#hcsm tweetchat and others where ICD-10 and closely related topics provide a forum for sharing your support for ICD-10 and spreading good information.

- Hold your own tweet chat on ICD-10. There have been several chats where ICD-10 is discussed. It seems there should be more. Who's game?

- The HIMSS 15 Conference is coming soon. You can be assured ICD-10 will be a topic of interest and the HIMSS conference should provide opportunities for spreading good ICD-10 information.

- Check the Editorial Calendar’s of primary healthcare media publications and schedule your ICD-10 promotion around the salient topics and timelines noted in those schedules.

What Other Ways Can You Suggest? 

How Can I Help?

Let me know if there's any way I can help with advancing your specific message in support of ICD-10. Leave a comment here. Send me an email at And consider following me on Twitter.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Quotes and Facts from AHIP #OpsTech Conference in Phoenix

Last part! Parts 1, 2 & 3 highlighted select tweets covering a range of topics emanating from the AHIP OpsTech Forum held in Phoenix, AZ on November 17th through the 19th. In this final part, tweets sharing quotes and facts from speaker presentations are listed.

Note: See Part 1 for disclaimer about sources of these tweets.

Quotes, Quotes and More Quotes

As #health plans, we must earn RIGHT to introduce #digitalhealth solutions (to not be "creepy"), by meeting BASIC needs.

If you think of ALL things that touch #health, #payer #HCP involved in fraction of each event. Social care matters for total health

Schulte on where to focus investment: We’re looking for things that are pioneering rather than incremental.

I wanted to learn about healthcare technology, not buy someone else's technology. Sneaky vendors everywhere!

@GeisingerHealth's Steve Strongwater likens the fee-for-service system to an addiction, says it's tough to break.

Ignagni: We need to be able to give people data and information in real-time to help them make decisions about their health.

Triple-weighted STARS question: are you feeling better this year, than last? Complex answer: socioeconomic impacts #health.

Ignagni: We can’t have affordable coverage without affordable prices going into the premium dollar.

Ignagni: We can’t put our head in the sand or hand out a blank check if we are going to meet the goal of sustainability.

Willliam Taylor (@practicallyrad): You can’t be content with doing things a little bit better or a little bit differently.

Taylor: Ask yourself, "What are the ideas that define how we do business & distinguish us from how everyone else does business?"

The only sustainable form of business leadership is thought leadership. B. Nordmark

Taylor reiterates that you can’t let what you know limit what you can imagine.

We have a #diabetes problem? Who knew? - Avery & Catholic #Health Initiatives @ #OpsTech

@SusannahFox: It's not simply access to information, but access to each other that is going to make healthcare better.

Almost every other sector has been greatly impacted by the Internet. Except, perhaps, healthcare!

Don't be futurists. Be nowists. Harness tech trends to bend the curve on chronic disease and #healthcare costs - @susannahfox

Statistics and Facts (Trust but verify!)

Breadcrumb: >80% of #healthplans expecting membership growth, much stronger confidence than last year. More data soon!

Invest 90-95% in simple, incremental improvements in fundamentals (access, delivery), 5% on game-changing. - @WellPoint

FEB '14 @RAND @HealthAffairs study 300K @Teladoc participants affirmed: 94% single-contact resolution rate (as to only 80% post-ED)

Data quality costs the healthcare organizations an estimated 8.2 million dollars, annually! #datagovernance

U.S. Annual Healthcare Spending Is A Stunning $3.4 Trillion, Says Study via @forbes

Diabetes patients with complications cost health plans $20,700 annually per member.

Close to 1/3 Americans don't have bank accounts, rely on manual check processing. Challenge.

Ignagni: "We can't have a healthcare system that's 50% higher in cost than other countries."

Yet somehow we do. @danmunro: Ignagni: "We can't have a healthcare system that's 50% higher in cost than other countries.

"75% of people who have #HC insurance worry that #HC costs will jeopardize their future retirement

Schneider on transparency: 70% of consumers are saying they want to see hospital prices and quality data online @WellPoint

Gerardi @BlueCrossMN: At current trajectory, specialty drugs would account for 35% of total medical spend in 5 years.

Dr Gerardi warns that drug costs may become 35% Healthcare costs in 5 years

46% employers plan to have #telemedicine benefit in place by end of 2014. - Stat from @Teladoc

95% consumers prefer phone consult to video. Surprising, w/ #smartphone capabilities/availability? "Give consumers what THEY want!"

Interesting tidbit for morning: Avery Telehealth guarantees a 30% reduction in re-admissions for their #mHealth solution clients.

Reading and Reference Matter

Planning on attending the session on #consumer trust and transparency? Read this before you go.

Digital Therapeutics: New Category of Medicine Being Pioneered by Omada Health

Good resource: "Ignagni: Changing the Game to Deliver a 21st Century Health System for Patients”

Health Care Value In Three Simple Words: Affordability. Stability. Quality.

@AHIPEducation #OpsTech is being archived here, have a look:

All the data and research I'm about to share at #OpsTech is freely available at and

Great story (via @SusannahFox) on info taking 200 yrs to get citrus included in sailors' diet to prevent scurvy

@AccoladeInc Thank you! Just posted one of the "fairy tales" I shared at #OpsTech -

One or Two In Every Crowd

Don a mustache for charity and take a knowledge challenge at the @edifecs booth. #OpsTech

Thinking neon sneaks have become my fave statement accessory. They've certainly been a conversation piece! #OpsTech

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

More Tweets from AHIP's #OpsTech Forum – Part 3

Downtown Phoenix, AZ with South Mountain 

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this multi-part series highlighting select tweets from the AHIP OpsTech Forum held in Phoenix, AZ on November 17th thru 19th, I highlighted tweets on healthcare consumers, consumerism, how health plans can support healthcare consumers, pricing transparency, telemedicine, and remote monitoring. In this 3rd Part, tweets on the topics of healthcare policy, patient engagement, pharmacy, and innovation are presented.


Ofman argues that b/c most other countries come from a single-payer system, their policy solutions may not be our policy solutions.

Pearson thinks if we keep seeing Sovaldi-like situations, it will create a demand for change. @ICER_review

Ofman counters, saying if you look at pricing from 2- to 5-year window you may see a much bigger problem than a 10-20 year window.

The work of making deep-seated, meaningful change; that's the work of our lifetime. It's why you're all here. @FastCompany founder

3 industry revolutions that have already changed #healthcare landscape. - @RWJF @SusannahFox

Patient Engagement

1) Identify what matters most, 2) Measure intent, 3) FOCUS on what's most crucial - how @WellPoint strives for engagement.

Continuous #health engagement: traditional participants in this industry need to partner/adapt. @KPShare

Good retail orgs have figured out how to extract $ in meaningful, positive consumer engagements. #Healthcare has NOT.

"Delicate balance of engaging and delivering clinical needs depends on creating trust and shared goals"

David Schulte of KP Ventures at : meets patients where and when they are ready to engage."

Training #HCPs to engage w/ #patients remotely proves challenge to wide #telemedicine adoption. As challenging as reimbursement?

Results of #telemedicine #patientengagement 6M pilot: 0 ED visits, 0 urgent care, LOTS of engagement action.

Over time, #diabetes #patients adapt, engage, take control w/ #mhealth support. Goal: self-manage.

B/w 2005-2014, #socialmedia engagement grew from 8%-74% population. #Healthcare, you listening? @SusannahFox

90% have Internet, 60% have #smartphone, 75% use #socialmedia @RWJF powerhouses discuss future of engagement

Tools ARE sexy (think #health #gamification), but tools alone are not going to engage & retain a member. Tools must provide value.

Healthplans and Payers

Who's @ crux of challenges in #healthcare industry? They think it's us (#health #payer). Most #patients don't see us as advocates.

Ignagni on provider partnerships: We see an individual in every encounter; this data can be used to empower PCPs to improve care.

Ignagni: Health plan-provider partnership is the secret to sustainable, affordable care - See more at:


Sovaldi looks like it will haunt payors in years to come

Pearson @ICER_review: Soon we’ll have one-time drugs w/a lifetime benefit; the idea of value & managing affordability is important.

Pearson @ICER_review: Even with “cost-effectiveness,” the budget impact could still be a big issue when multiplied.

Pearson @ICER_review says some policy options include changing IP rules, changing financing mechanisms, lowering the price.

Innovation, Innovation, Innovation
Focus on bending cost curve through innovation. They seem to get it. Others too focused on buzz.

With rapid tech advances, health plans will continue to embrace their role as data innovators.

3 perspectives : payor, pharma, policy to explore 'balancing innovation N affordability'

Ofman: Identify low-value care so there’s room to pay for innovation. @Amgen

Gerardi @BlueCrossMN: The costs of drugs is payment innovation, payer-provider partnership discussions.

My2c: #Digital can unlock innovation in #healthcare but challenge is #inclusivity: accessible, affordable, acceptable to all

#Innovation is the act of using what you already know to get past what you THINK. - @FastCompany founder paraphrasing mentor

You can't let what you know limit what you can imagine. - @FastCompany founder on #healthcare #innovation

The opportune place for #innovation in #healthcare is in customer experience. (Think we all agree, lacking!)- @FastCompany founder

Most exciting #innovation in #healthcare: capturing / amplifying / understanding C2C conversation. -@SusannahFox

The most exciting #innovation in #healthcare is people talking to each other via internet, mobile, social - @SusannahFox

Accelerating #healthcare #innovation: align care delivery, engage w/ consumers, modernize infrastructure.

How Many More Parts?

I think I have two more; tweets from the OpsTech conference containing quotes from presenters, various interesting statistics, and some tweets pointing to good reads and reference materials.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Select Tweets from AHIP's #OpsTech Forum – Part 2

In Part 1 of this multi-part series highlighting select tweets from the AHIP OpsTech Forum held in Phoenix, AZ on November 17th thru 19th, I highlighted tweets on healthcare consumers and consumerism. This second part presents select tweets on the topics of approaching and supporting healthcare consumers, pricing transparency, and telemedicine, remote monitoring and digital health. 
Note: Special thanks to all contributors. See Part 1 for disclaimer.

Approaching and Supporting Healthcare Consumers

Be very discerning and specific about what matters to consumers, and FOCUS on delivering THOSE solutions. @WellPoint

Schneider: Our responsibility is to be very specific about what problems we’re solving for the consumer, and what tech to apply

Schneider @WellPoint "#healthcare consumers don't always know what they need, we need to make strategic bets"

"Jury's out on what exactly consumers want." - @IBX Disagree. Think issue lack of recognition of individual needs, preferences.

Hear "we need to sell TO". MY belief: offer solutions so compelling that consumers "sell" themselves, & sell YOU on new ideas.

#HIX product differentiation: when many elements of plan design mandated, creativity needed. @warrensmithd

Ignagni: The role of health plans is to support consumers by helping them navigate though a complex delivery system.

Customers crave any signal you send that you share the human experience. #Truth from @FastCompany founder

Open #health #data funnel. Give consumers more info, not less. Then reverse the flow: experts should listen.

What if we customized #health plan consumer experience by life stage, rather than just #chronicdisease or condition? - @SusannahFox

Savvy plans can also segregate members/customers by psychographics along w/ geographics. 

It's a familiar story: #patients want #data access, they request access, but still very hard to GIVE them access. #interoperability

Transparency and Pricing

Natalie Schneider @WellPoint "#healthcare transparency: consumers want to see hospital, price, quality info online"

#Healthcare cost transparency - @WellPoint studied $ info requests, found consumers seek this data primarily to find/eval #HCPs.

Hitting the Target: Bring down price increases, improve safety and effectiveness, reduce variation, root out fraud, increase value.

Can't have affordable coverage w/out affordable prices. Same #health plans, same benefits, very different pricing. Unsustainable.

Telehealth, Remote Monitoring and Digital Health

Laser focus on "what matters most" for @WellPoint consumers: remote monitoring, telemedicine, transparency solutions.

Consumers seem more receptive to #digitalhealth solutions when introduced by #HCP, not #health #payer. - @IBX on adoption

Schulte: There’s a latent demand among family caregivers to be able to leverage remote monitoring, other complementary mobile tech.

CMS now reimbursing for remote chronic care management. Learn more at the ALbooth #115 at AHIP

"Telehealth, it's all about the data" #TeleDoc CMO

Complexity of #HIX, via #wordle. - @warrensmithd @hcentive

Comment: Is anyone surprised that "834 Daily Membership File Error Reporting" is a complex and frequent topic?

Weekly #telemedicine, real-time glucose/BP alerts to care team, #diabetes #patients hub. BYOD next frontier.

What's Next?

In the next 2 or 3 parts, I’ll share select tweets from the OpsTech conference on healthcare policy, patient engagement, healthplans and payers, pharmaceuticals, innovation, miscellaneous statistics, and some interesting reads and reference materials.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Social Media Recap of #OpsTech Forum in Phoenix Last Week – Part 1

Last week, AHIP had their OpsTech Forum here in Phoenix, AZ – very close to where I live. But since I wasn’t attending, information shared by conference attendees via Twitter was the next best thing to being there. True to what AHIP had stated would be key topics at the conference, the #OpsTech tweet stream contained some good info and insight into consumer engagement strategies, cost transparency, mobile and digital health and delivery system innovation. What follows are select tweets collected using the #OpsTech Hashtag; loosely organized as I interpreted each tweet. 

Note: I have largely omitted references to the originators and retweeters of the following tweets. While you can find all tweets containing the #OpsTech Hashtag here, I do want to extend a thanks to the following who went above and beyond with the #OpsTech tweets: @mandibpro, @ahipeducation, @marketmaverik, @softheon, @warrensmithd, @danmunro, @ciberinc, @cdlucero3, @bradcandell, @alrtechnologies


Finishing touches taking place at registration as we get ready to welcome hundreds to AHIP's .

Good morning from Camelback Mountain! Absolutely love this city. #Phoenix #Arizona, you're phenomenal.

It’s all about the Consumer

#Health plan member journey map at via @OptumNews. Is it linear? No. Meandering, iterative. See here.

Industry-defining pivot: the rise of #healthcare consumerism, via @WellPoint.

As an industry, our customer satisfaction scores are abysmal - we're barely above cable companies. - #health #payer #truth

Consumer centricity?: do consumers LIKE a lot of this new #tech, or do they find it creepy, invasion of #privacy?

"How to make the #healthcare consumer experience look like other industries?" Great question. Complex answer.

Gerardi @BlueCrossMN - Path forward: Optimize care management activities, utilize comparative effectiveness data.

Barker @minuteclinic: About half the patients who come in don’t have a PCP, so we provide them with info to help them find one.

Complexity science works: caring for psychosocial needs had highest positive impact on cardiac #patients outcomes.

Most people who don't have #health insurance who aren't signing up don't understand THE PROCESS.

Ignagni: We are actively partnering with providers, with regulators, and with consumers to create the health plan of tomorrow.

No longer what keeps you up @ night. What gets you up in the morning? What makes you more excited, creative & confidant than ever?

Consummate pro @SusanDentzer always writing & yes, pen/paper still faster 4 capturing thoughts in real time

Customers R treated so differently in every other industry there is no more #HC "exemption" 4 customer experience.

It's not simply access to information, but access to each other that is going to make healthcare better.

Growing population are mobile ONLY: #smartphone IS phone/computer/single point of access. #Healthcare must adapt.

What will replace P2P healthcare? Ability of indivs to feed info back into system--one to many! Says @SusannahFox

Interesting dynamic, 1 in 4 people were heads down on their phones during speech. Are we socializing and not listening?

How quickly we, in healthcare fail to realize how important "Dr. Google" is to patients! @susannahfox

New term for me: Internet-positive #patients = those who love Dr. Google, may trust online source more than #doctors.

Plan for serendipity. Plan for JIT someone-like-you. That can make all the difference. - @RWJF @SusannahFox

Savvy plans can also segregate members/customers by psychographics along w/ geographics.


In the next part, I'll share tweets on Approaching and Supporting the Consumer, Transparency and Pricing, and Telehealth, Remote Monitoring and Digital Health

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Creating a 'User Manual of Me:' Your Likes, Dislikes and Qualities

In Part 1 of this multi-part series on creating a “User Manual of Me” I noted the likely value of helping others understand how you like to communicate. In Part 2, I offered some ideas about sharing your abilities and disabilities. In this third part, I share some ways to help others get to know your likes, dislikes and a few things about your hobbies, extracurricular activities and more intimate aspects of your personality.

Share #4: Qualities

You may or may not want to share more intimate aspects of your personality. If you’re so willing, consider sharing the following in your User Manual:

1. Proudest Moment in My Life:

2. How I Make Decisions:

3. What Soothes My Spirit When I’m Unhappy or In a Bad Mood:

4. Seven Words That Describe Me:

5. Something You Can Quote Me On:

Share #5: Likes and Dislikes

Letting people know what you like and dislike can be a powerful means for others to get to know what makes you tick. Consider adding the following items to your User Manual.

1. My Favorite Morning Treat:

2. My Favorite Afternoon Treat:

3. My Favorite $5 Gift:

4. What I Like To Do When I Have An Unexpected Day Off:

5. What I Like to Do on a Friday Night:

6. What I Like to Do on a Saturday Afternoon:

7. What I Like to Do on a Sunday Morning:

8. Where I Hope to Be In Two to Three Years:

9. My Favorite Outdoor Activity:

10. One of My Favorite Songs:

11. What Fictional Duo I Am With My Pet:

12. What Hobby Have I Always Wanted To Pick Up:

13. What Spectator Activities Do I Most Enjoy Attending and Watching:

14. What Type Of Warm or Cold-Blooded Animal Would I Be:

It’s not necessary to use all of the above in your User Manual, anything you can share can only help others get to know you and understand you better.

That's All Folks!

I hope these three posts helped spur your thoughts about how formally sharing some information about yourself via a "User Manual of Me" might improve your interactions with others. For more information on topics like this - and - healthcare data, technology and services, consider following me on Twitter where I post as @ShimCode.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How to Help Others Get to Know You: Sharing Abilities and Disabilities

In part 1 of what will be a 3-part series on creating a “User Manual of Me,” I noted the value of helping others understand what makes you tick; starting off with the idea of outlining how you like to communicate. In this second part, I proffer some ideas about sharing information on your abilities and disabilities – what you like to do and what you don’t like to do. The idea of this "User Manual of Me" is to offer up information about yourself so that others may better know you and, theoretically, have more effective and efficient interactions with you. Theoretically... :) 

Share #2: My Abilities and Motivators

1. I Have the Ability To:

2. I’m Enthusiastic About:

3. I Make a Difference By:

4. What I Will Bend Over To Do:

5. Several Things I Like About My Job:

6. The Biggest Challenges I Face Every Day:

7. How to Help Me at Work:

8. How to Help Me at My Home:

Share #3: My Disabilities and Dislikes

1. What I Go to Great Lengths to Avoid:

2. Several Things I Don’t Like About My Job:

3. What I Will Not Tolerate:

4. One thing I could change about myself in 24 hrs if I could:

It’s not necessary to use all of the above items, anything you can share with others should only help others get to know you and understand you better.

What Else Can You Include in Your “User Manual of Me?”

In the next part of this topic, I’ll share additional ideas to help others get to know your likes, dislikes and a few things about your hobbies and extracurricular activities. In my final post I’ll share a template for creating you own “User Manual of Me.” 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Want to Help Others Get to Know You? Create a “User Manual of Me”

(Aka: How to be clear about the things you like and the things you don’t like. A manual for interacting with you.)

Everyone has “preferences.” Some preferences are simple and easy to understand. Some preferences are more subtle and complex. Some preferences are quirks that may change over time – or even within the course of a day or month or year. Why not make it easy for others to understand what makes you tick?

Identifying these preferences and proactively informing your colleagues can help make you – and those you interact with – happier and more productive in your mutual relationship.

How Can You Help Others Understand What Makes You Tick?

If you create a “User Manual of Me,” you’re making a Giant Step toward helping others – those close to you and maybe not so close to you - understand what makes you tick in a positive way; how you relate to people most productively.

Share #1: How to Communicate and When

1. Preferred Method of Communication:

How do you like to be contacted? How do you like to contact others? How might any contact method vary by time of day, type of message or urgency?

2. Best Time of Day to Approach Me:

Are you the quintessential morning person or evening person? Is there a best time for someone to contact you? What’s the worst time of day for someone to approach you?

The above are two preferences most all people have that they can share with others to improve the way others interact with them.

Next Post

In following posts on the idea of a "User Manual of Me," , I’ll share additional ideas about helping others understand how you tick at a deeper level. In my final post on this idea, I’ll share a template for creating you own “User Manual of Me.”

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Collection of Twitter Collections: All Things Healthcare & Information Technology

The following is a list of “Collections” I started maintaining on Twitter. It is a work in process and an example of what I do in my spare after-work time; so check back now and then for new items.

You can learn more about healthcare and IT-related topics by following me on Twitter.

Analytics & Reporting

Analytics & Big Data
White papers, studies, technical info, tips and commentary about analytics and reporting large data sets.

Data Quality & Governance
White papers, studies, technical info, tips and commentary about data quality and information governance

Healthcare Quality
Info, tips, ideas and specifications on health care quality measures and performance.

Healthcare Risk Mgmt
News, info, tips and ideas about health care risk assessment, identification, reporting and management. Includes info on HCC’s, RAF’s, the 3R’s program and other risk measures.

Segmentation & Clusters
News, info, white papers, tips and ideas about segmenting, grouping and clustering healthcare consumers and healthcare related data.


Consumers & Patients
News, info, tips and ideas about engaging and empowering individuals to better their health and better utilize available healthcare resources and coverage.

Health Insurance Tips
Tips, how-to’s and ideas to help average people better understand healthcare and how to use their health coverage.

Health Literacy
News, info, tips and ideas on healthcare literacy and improving ability of average consumers to better improve their health and well-being.

Healthcare Transparency
Articles, white papers, studies, commentary, tips, etc. on Healthcare Transparency

Workplace Culture
Info, tips, considerations and ideas regarding workplace culture


Affordable Care Act
News, info, tips and commentary on the Affordable Care Act – aka “Obamacare”

Healthplan Administration
News, info, facts, white papers and commentary on health care administration. 

Healthcare Payers
News, info, tips and ideas about health plans, payers and other risk-bearing entities

Health Info Exchange
News, info, tips and ideas about health information exchange and interoperability

Health Insurance Exchange
News, info, tips and ideas about health insurance exchanges. Aka “The Healthcare Marketplace” 

ICD-10 & Related 
News, info, tips and ideas about ICD-10 and related topics.

Articles, white papers, studies, and commentary on Medicare including Medicare Advantage.

Social Media

Health Care Social Media 
News, info, tips and ideas about social media in healthcare

Social Media Info
Articles, tips, how-to’s and ideas about social media.


API Economy 
White papers, studies, technical info, tips and commentary about Application Programming Interfaces, Service Oriented Architecture, Enterprise Service Bus and related 

Integration & Standards 
News, info, tips and ideas about Integration, Interoperability and standards 

Privacy, PHI & Security
Articles, information, tips, how-to's & commentary on privacy and security relative to healthcare and social media

Software Resources
Lists and resources of interest to people who plan, specify, design, build and test software applications and systems.

Tools & Apps
Collection of software-based tools to make your life easier

Agile & Project Related
Articles, tips, how-to’s and ideas about agile and related practices and methodologies.


Interesting Things
Collection of items I find interesting and which may be of interest/value to others

Predictions & Trends
News and information about predictions and trends impacting healthcare and related topics.