Sunday, December 14, 2014

Beyond the #ICD10Matters Hashtag - Some Ideas for Supporting ICD-10

There sure is a lot of activity being generated recently by those who support ICD-10 and those who are against ICD-10. Hardly a minute goes by that I don’t see a tweet espousing that #ICD10Matters and that there should be #NoDelay to ICD-10. Then in the next minute I see tweets calling for a 2 year delay or outright cancellation of the ICD-10 mandate. Or a blog post about those silly ICD-10 codes with references to flaming water skies and walking into lamp posts. To me, many of these tweets – regardless as to which side they take - are mostly all fire and no heat and provide little, if any, information in support of their position. I suppose ICD-10 rallies and rah-rah support is fine; but there has got to be a better way.

A Better Way?

How might social media be better used to support the ICD-10 mandate and to assist those needing to make the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10? Since I’m on the side supporting ICD-10, I’d like to offer up some ideas to those wanting to use social media - in particular Twitter and blogging platforms - to advance the implementation of ICD-10.

1. Be clear as to who you are trying to reach.

ICD-10 impacts solo practitioners and small practices different than large group practices; certain specialties more or less than other specialties; professionals different than hospitals/facilities. And providers different than health plans. This recent post provides some good insight into how ICD-10 impacts some physician’s differently than others.

Also, consider the role or persona of the person you are trying to reach. Physicians, Coders, HIM/CDI specialists, Office Managers, etc. all have different needs, views and perspectives.

2. Leverage the pain points of certain medical specialties.

ICD-10 will impact certain medical practices to a greater degree than others. I suggest messages carrying content on specific needs and hot-button issues relative to a specific medical practice subset will better resonate and get attention.

3. Provide some value – not just a meaningless Hashtag

Sharing content that supports your position - specialty-specific information, best practices, reference materials, places to go for specific info, lessons learned, etc. – lends credibility and authority to your message.

4. Draw attention to the Big Picture and The Future

Consider how to tune the target’s focus away from basic ICD-10 compliance and toward the importance ICD-10 has on new reimbursement models many providers will be dealing with in the near term. Share the importance of ICD-10 coding in terms of risk adjustment comorbidity, accuracy, and compliance. Call out Medicare and Medicaid’s focus on managed care, accountable care, bundled payments, patient centered medical homes and other payment models that shift risk to providers; and how diagnosis coding and ICD-10 is an important part of participating in these programs.

5. Ensure your message is seen and can be seen

The #NoDelay#ICD10Delay and #ICD10Matters hash tags have been used to help identify ICD-10 content. I’d say the #ICD10 hashtag is the most commonly used tag and should be included in every message shared.

6. Consider leveraging “healthcare IT” and related social media-based events

- There are lots of opportunities to get your message in front of those who are impacted by ICD-10. Consider leveraging the following:

- Work your message into various tweet chats. There are some popular chats like the #hitsm tweetchat#hcsm tweetchat and others where ICD-10 and closely related topics provide a forum for sharing your support for ICD-10 and spreading good information.

- Hold your own tweet chat on ICD-10. There have been several chats where ICD-10 is discussed. It seems there should be more. Who's game?

- The HIMSS 15 Conference is coming soon. You can be assured ICD-10 will be a topic of interest and the HIMSS conference should provide opportunities for spreading good ICD-10 information.

- Check the Editorial Calendar’s of primary healthcare media publications and schedule your ICD-10 promotion around the salient topics and timelines noted in those schedules.

What Other Ways Can You Suggest? 

How Can I Help?

Let me know if there's any way I can help with advancing your specific message in support of ICD-10. Leave a comment here. Send me an email at And consider following me on Twitter.

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