Wednesday, July 2, 2014

10 Simple Suggestions to Keep the #HIT100 Event Real

After last year’s #HIT100 event I made three blog posts about The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly aspects of the #HIT100 event (an event some label as a popularity contest or vote-stuffing exercise.) I’m extracting and summarizing 10 suggestions from those posts that I believe, if followed, would make the #HIT100 event more valuable to those working in and/or interested in health care information technology. Here they are and if you’re upset that some of these apply to you – then that’s on you and you may want to think harder about why it upsets you.

Consider These Simple Guidelines

1. Add a short note as to why the person you’re nominating deserves to be nominated.

2. Honor the one person, one vote ideal of American democracy.

3. Don’t use multiple Twitter accounts to vote.

4. Don’t create a Twitter account just to vote for yourself or someone else.

5. If you’re going to cheat, don’t be so obvious - be creative. Last year one dad voted for his son using – at least - 3 separate accounts; submitting all votes within a few minutes of each other.

6. Avoid extreme self-promotion. Humility is a virtue.

7. Don’t RT every single tweet that mentions you.

8. Resist the temptation to cajole co-workers, family and friends who rarely, if ever, participate on Twitter or other platforms to vote for you.

9. Nominate people who actually participate in the healthcare IT space in some meaningful way on a regular basis –whether on Twitter, Google+, blogs or elsewhere.

10. Don’t hijack the #HIT100 or any other Hashtag to promote yourself.

Who are You Going to Be?

If you really want to dominate the #HIT100, why not just get it over with and employ a gang of low-paid ‘click farm’ workers in Bangladesh to generate votes?

What other suggestions do you have? If you disagree with any of my suggestions, I'd like to hear why.


  1. We really should just call it the twitter popularity contest. I rarely participate in these since they seem to be dominated by a few people who nominated a ton of others simply to get voted back or who talk all the time..

    We all are aware of the ones who go to conference and flood the streams (don't call them out though) who don't even use any health IT In their daily work

    We really should be a different category for reporters and epatients.

    The real frustration is when people who are "big" on twitter (ie a few thousand followers) know that if you simply appeal to the egos of others (mention them in long lists or use 4 hashtags per post).

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I don't disagree with your comments. In 2012 I did some campaigning and was voted to #5. Last year I did very little promotion and landed at #25-30 depending on alphabetic sort order.

    This year I am not participating in any form or fashion though it does pain me a little to not nominate some who I think really do deserve a nomination. And I'm privately thanking those who vote for me. No RT's, no nada. We'll see where I land. :)


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