Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The First 48 Hours of #HIT99

John Lynn - aka @techguy - announced the other day that the Voting for the #HIT99 Starts Now.

So after about 48 hours, there have been 800 tweets containing the #HIT99 hashtag. Of these tweets, 177 people made 188 distinct nominations. The top 20 nominators and nominees are shown in the above table.

Note: Tweets containing the #HIT100 hashtag will be merged into the overall dataset going forward and used in tallying nominations.

What’s the Value of the #HIT99?

@matt_r_fisher: Agree, as was said earlier, I like this process to find new people to follow and connect with. #HIT99

@ehrandhit: Agreed. Not to mention who maybe doesn't make the list, but is nominated. We've got ideas there. #HIT99

@ehrandhit: Discoveries like this is why I love the #HIT99 It's fetching awesome to discover new people.

@ehrandhit: I wonder if there are any people worthy of the #HIT99 that aren't on Twitter? Maybe active on LinkedIn or other social media.

@fqure: The value of a #HIT99 is not to see who made the list, rather how much list has changed year over year. Unchanged warns of an echo chamber

Priorities, Priorities!

@mandibpro: When I'm done with my wedding errands, I'll be reading up on this #HIT99 thing... @techguy is da bomb.

A Volunteer to be the 100th Man Left Out!

@boltyboy: @techguy You mean we finally got rid of that stupid #HIT100 and you had to not only start it up again, you had to diss one person! #hit99

It’s All about a Person's Voice or Vision

@2healthguru: Just for me I will NOT nominate a corporate brand for #HIT100 or #HIT99 consideration. This need be an individual's voice or vision.

Go Vote!

@elinsilveous: How to nominate someone to the #HIT99 list: Tweet “I nominate [add Twitter account] to the #HIT99 list, because [fill in blank]"

For updates on the 2015 #HIT99, be sure to check John's blog:


  1. "Here's why I think you do a great job in #HealthIT". Peer to peer recognition is the best kind of praise. I enjoy recognizing my friends and associates and bringing new voices into the larger conversation.

  2. Am often impressed by the #networking opportunities #Twitter and specifically #healthcare #tweetchats offer :) #Nurseup


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