Monday, September 14, 2015

Medical Specialty-specific ICD-10 Tips Sheets (All PDF format & all free)

Here's a list of specialty-specific ICD-10 tip sheets and ICD-9 to ICD-10 crosswalks.  The "Tip Sheets" are organized by diagnosis and specify the unique ICD-10 coding considerations for each diagnosis. These are all PDF's that can easily be downloaded and printed out for ease of reference.

Anesthesiology Tip Sheet for ICD-10

Behavioral & Mental Health Tip Sheet for ICD-10

Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Medicine Tip Sheet for ICD-10 

Critical & Urgent Care Tip Sheet for ICD-10

ICD-10 Dental Diagnosis Codes

ICD-10 Codes for Orthodontics

Emergency Medicine Tip Sheet for ICD-10 

ICD-10 Documentation Tips for Emergency Medicine and Trauma

ICD-10-CM and the Emergency Physician

Family Practice Tip Sheet for ICD-10

ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes for Gastroenterologists

ICD-10 Documentation Tips for Gastroenterology

General Surgery Tip Sheet for ICD-10

CDI ICD-9/ICD-10 Comparison Topic: Gestational Diabetes 

Gynecology Tip Sheet for ICD-10

Hematology & Oncology Tip Sheet for ICD-10

Infectious Disease Tip Sheet for ICD-10

Intensivists & Hospitalists Tip Sheet for ICD-10 

ICD-9-CM /ICD-10-CM Codes for Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)

Quick Reference ICD-9 to ICD-10 Crosswalk for Nephrology

ICD-9 to ICD-10 Conversion: Commonly Used Neurologic Diagnosis

Neurology& Neurosurgery Tip Sheet for ICD-10 

Obstetrical & Gynecological Tip Sheet for ICD-10

Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) and Ophthalmology Cracking the ICD-10 Code - Ophthalmolgy

The above is not a cheat sheet but nonetheless good information. Including it for "Anonymous" below.

Physical and Occupational Therapy Tip Sheet for ICD-10

Top 20 Podiatry ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code 

Top 20 Pulmonary ICD-9 to ICD-10 Codes

ICD-10 Internet resources for Pulmonary, Allergy, and CCM

Radiology Tip Sheet for ICD-10

2014 Urology Coding Update and ICD-10

Urology Tip Sheet for ICD-10

Required ICD-10 Data Elements for Orders /EMR Template

For more information on ICD-10 and healthcare information technology in general, consider following me on Twitter.


  1. Replies
    1. @Carol You asked. I supplied. Hope those podiatry sheets help you. Steve S

  2. Thank you for compiling this information Steve. This is very helpful. I notice that the link for the OB/GYN Tip Sheet is broken. Could you redirect?

  3. Too bad you do not include Anatomic Pathology.

    1. @anonymous: Now what kind of comment is that? I've listed all the "cheat sheets" I can find. And there is a sheet on pathology. Didn't your mother or grade school teacher ever teach you that you get more bees with honey? smh Too bad indeed

  4. Steve, really great stuff here! Any chance it is there and I am missing it: Wound Care - specifically chronic wounds and VLU. landscape is getting a little more crowded for codes and I am finding redundancy. Really useful in podiatry, GP and WC clinics. Thanks!

    1. Not much for wound care that I can find. I added a few that may be of use.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Very useful info! Thank you so very much for compiling all these. Do you, by chance, have anything specific to just Chiropractic?

    1. I had a hard time finding stuff for Chiro. I think I bookmarked one or two and I'll add those this coming weekend. Thanks

  7. The link for creating you own cheat sheet is broke. Do you have a redirect? Thanks!

    1. Fixed it. Thanks for the heads up. And I have a lot more sheets to add this this page - probably do that this coming weekend

  8. Hi Steve, this is lovely. I've shared your link with some friends looking specifically for General & Urology. Would you mind if I shared a link to this page on my own website? (complete attribution to you - I take no credit).

    1. Hmmm...guess I missed your inquiry. Prolly too later but of course go ahead and link to any of my stuff anytime. i don't mind. Sorry for taking 9 months to reply! :)

  9. Link for "Word Template for Creating Your Own ICD-10 Cheat Sheet" takes me to :(

    1. That site moved/removed that template AGAIN. So I am going to remove the reference to it. Sorry. I can't control how others maintain their web site. :(

  10. Wonderful resource! Do you have access to codes used in Dentistry? Thanks in advance for your help!

    1. Thanks. I added two sets of codes: one for dentistry and one for orthodontics. Hope they help

  11. WOUND CARE: ICD 10 is no longer working


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