Monday, June 20, 2016

How can tech be used to reach out to people who may not seek help or sign up to receive it?

In previous posts I shared curated tweets covering Topic #1 and Topic #2 from the #HITsm tweetchat titled “Addressing Healthcare via Non-Medical, Community-Based Resources and Tools” that I hosted on Friday, June 17, 2016. In this post I will share curated tweets from Topic #3.

Topic #3: How can tech be used to reach out to people who may not seek help or sign up to receive it?

Supports Patients & Caregivers

@shivam_mundra: Present facts; casestudy make them feel that ‘you are not alone – there are others and together you can help benefit!'

@scottyweitzman: Someone may have a fear of discussing addiction/disease with real person. Tech can allow them to feel more private & open to ask 

@uiandme: Psych barriers: embarrassment, nervousness about filling out forms. The most common obstacle to HC is the cost

@scottyweitzman: A phone or tablet can become very helpful to those in need with new tech in counseling / help lines, maybe more comfort.

@mloxton: Still unclear if it is rude or intrusive to use social media to reach out, but alternative of "do nothing" seems worse

@shereesepubhlth: Orgs like @CCharitiesUSA make considerable efforts to help citizens’ access services. The should be given the support to do so

@shimcode: Doesn't have to be 'widespread. Social media' but even like 'private Twitter' or moderated communities.

@mloxton: Maybe Pepper, the receptionist robot at Liege hospital can also chat up patients and respond to need? :)

@healthcora: Bring our "digital assistants" up to speed on #MentalHealth interventions...

@nxtstop1: Tech could be helpful, still think we R not dealing with the patient... 3 jobs, no money, stress, chronic dz, =matter of survival

@jimmie_vanagon: Just as DR can beef up on #CME with areas in need of learning, a pt should be educated on avail of resource

@johnmtrader: Privacy issues of using social for this are also a sticky wicket.

@matt_r_fisher: HIPAA impact depends on use. Would more influence how to meet goal. Don't usually view as hard stop.

Accessible, Available and Scalable

@shimcode: Tech can improve and scale how information is communicated (e.g. timing, content and format).

@scottyweitzman: It's available 24/7, follows compliance/regs, and offers a dedicated un-distracted agent for people.

@ebukstel: There are over 20M "Obama Phones" w/o data access in low income areas, never assume tech is always there.

@shimcode: Agreed. And there's value in providing assistance to 'small groups' - scales a bit.

@shereesepubhlth: I strongly feel; Single Point of Entry platforms and Patient Care Advisory Boards help w/ most of this.

@matt_r_fisher: Seems obvious that tech can be used. Everyone is glued to smartphones now. Now h/c needs come up to speed.

Fosters Communication

@shimcode: Tech can automate follow-up and explicit encouragement via text messages and emails.

@stuckonsw: Yes!! Meet people where they are with tech already... Create a menu... Email, portal, apps, SMS, SoMe etc...

@ebukstel: Community outreach, some docs visited a grocery store on Thanksgiving, entered info about pts in tablet.

Analyzes & Personalizes

@mloxton: Analytics can certainly identify the super-utilizers, and predict future ER visits and admissions. Reaching out is another issue

@nxtstop1: Super-users are identified by billing data. Their issues are addressed by putting health clinics in their apartment buildings!

@shimcode: (Previously mentioned) Algorithms to identify 'super utilizers' will be an important tech-supported function.

@healthcora: "Frequent flyers" are low-hanging fruit - very easy to identify!

@glhc_hie: #HIE can automatically "flag" a pt. who's presented to ANY E.D. 10+X and auto-refer them for intervention svcs! We HAVE the Tech!

@jimmie_vanagon: Also having #CME like @PriMed_Alerts stream from #EHR very helpful 2, #Tech individualized2 each pt can help fill this gap

@uiandme: Silos? Does HC track Homeless Census Reports available for many counties? Can that data be leveraged?

@shereesepubhlth: I worked on a project similar in 1 county in TX whereby repeat ED presenters were identified for outreach

@ochotex: I worked w the dir of pub health in San Antonio. Would always ask 'Do you think this will work for people down at the bus stop?'

@lesliecozatt: The fast food data seems particularly relevant:

@wareflo: Suspect key 2 modeling non-medical support services NMSS is modeling BOTH NMSS and medical support services


@shawnmyersrn: We should reuse existing technology/networks as much as possible (SMS, Facebook) don’t reinvent the wheel for healthcare!

@mandibpro: Couldn't we also expand #HL7 #FHIR profiles to include #SDoH, train intake staff to capture info?

@2healthguru: Is it ‘tech’ or people, process and culture? Tech as enabler” But vision first?

@glhc_hie: Also, Gamification and incentives (in mHealth for example) work! And are WAY cheaper than the aftermath of non-compliance!

@glhc_hie: HTech needs to integrate just like HCare does! Accessibility of #mHealth and #IoT data via #HIE community health records

@mandibpro: Instagram offers pop-ups w/ hotlines/help resources trigger term searched. Could be applied to other needs.

@nxtstop1: I think robots R cool, but not sure our beleaguered patient with mult-chronic disease, multi-morbidity & poor will be so enamored

@mandibpro: Never seen an intake form that asked me whether I had my own transpo, had A/C or electric or phone.

Topics #4, #5 & #6 Are Next!

I'm currently curating tweets from the remaining three topics that were discussed in the tweetchat. They're coming soon, For more information on healthcare data, technology and services, consider following me on Twitter.

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