Sunday, June 19, 2016

More curated info from 'Addressing Healthcare via Non-Medical, Community-Based Resources & Tools' - #HITsm Topic #2

On Friday, June 17, 2016, “Addressing Healthcare via Non-Medical, Community-Based Resources and Tools” was discussed during the weekly #HITsm tweetchat. This is the 2nd post of a 6 part series presenting curated tweets from topics discussed in that chat. The 1st post can be found here.

This post shares the discussion surrounding Topic #2.. I’ll share what was discussed the remaining topics via additional posts over the next couple days.

Topic #2: What role do physicians have in connecting patients to local, non-medical support programs / resources?

Disagreement on Role of the Physician

@mloxton: Docs are a trusted gateway to services, and critical to channeling pts to trustworthy services. Very important we get this right

@shivam_mundra: Physician can play an important role, as in most of this situation they would be the first point of contact!

@shimcode: Physicians should have a primary role - they just need to be compensated for time and effort.

@resultant: Physicians have had almost no role, w/ #CCM and code 99490, now they have some role for Medicare population; Should have big role

@healthcora: I've only ever had one provider refer me to community programs... wish it were part of basic care

@mloxton: YES!!! Stunning lack of awareness in many providers.

@matt_r_fisher: Not sure this burden can be put on #physicians. But if have care coordinator or similar person in office, then can do it.

@sarahmlavoie: Agreed - and hard for physicians to change thought process - so much training to treat everything medically!

@glhc_hie: Not good enough to just add another task to Docs already long list. Need to start with culture and invest in care mgmt resources

@adamrichsearch: Challenging for providers in the current atmosphere. That is why the connection to community health workers is so vital.

@glhc_hie: Needs to start in Med School IMHO. Especially in the E.D. docs are not trained or equipped to think holistically...

@healthiscool: I wonder how many docs know about reduced YMCA memberships and Farmer's Markets coupons 4 qualified population?

There's a Role for Others in the Doctor's Office

@shimcode: Some sort of neutral advocate available before/after patient appointments or hospital stays?

@nxtstop1: Physicians have a "team-based" role. If in primary care, MDs have go-to social worker, psychologist, other, for referral, info

@matt_r_fisher: I still say have right support person in office. Hard for #physician to know all of those resources.

@ebukstel: Important for HCPs to focus on the "right" list social determinants have been missed by docs for too long

@shivam_mundra: The larger ? Is the success rate of the these progs; make docs understand that the progs are effective; #marketing #publicity

@jimmie_vanagon: Agree, I can't tell U how helpful having individualized USTaskForce/vaccRecs/UpToDatePtINFO are now, but this 2 would help

As will happen in many tweetchats, a tangential sub-topic was raised:

What can your Shopping Receipts Say about Your Health?

@ebukstel: A doctor once reviewed a shopping receipt w/ pt for a couple of minutes. Connection / discussion great.

@healthcora: Granular: categories (gym fees, fast food, pharmacies, outdoor vs. indoor rec); fine: items purchased

@mloxton: Cough syrup and TB is a good example

@lesliecozatt: Interesting @Matt_R_Fisher Who has ideas for what kinds of purchasing data would correlate w/healthcare needs? 

@matt_r_fisher: I'll leave that a more data oriented mind. However, clues certainly in purchases, other activities. 

Topics #3 through #6 are Coming!

I'm currently curating tweets from the remaining four topics that were discussed in the tweetchat and will post those over the next day or two. For more information on healthcare data, technology and services, consider following me on Twitter.

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