Here’s Part 2 on a multipart post on Classic and Contemporary Lessons Learned that apply to all projects in general and ICD-10 projects in particular. See Part 1 here.
1. Create small groups (tribes) for each major horizontal and vertical functional area. Charge them with being the “go-to” resources throughout various stages of the project, support their work and recognize/reward them appropriately. Switch people into and out of these groups to even the load and grow your intellectual capital.
{Every team has certain official and unofficial “go-to” people; everyone will benefit more from these valuable resources if they are supported and recognized,}
2. Educate business staff and technical resources as to how ICD-10 differs from ICD-9. Make sure they understand that ICD-10 compliance is way more than just a Y2K-like field expansion effort. See items #3 & 4.
{This is particularly important when using internal resources who may not be expert with ICD-10 and related areas}
3. Make sure project resources are aware of how ICD codes impact Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG’s,) Major Diagnostic Categories (MDC’s,) Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC’s,) Episode Treatment Groups (ETG’s,) case rates, etc. Educate them on the basic concepts of these related topics and how they will be impacted by ICD-10.
{ICD-10 impacts a lot of other data points and business concepts – having a basic understanding of these data points and business concepts will ensure a more comprehensive assessment takes place.}
4. Provide some examples as to how ICD-10 impact business processes and software applications. Share some ideas and approaches regarding various methods for bringing applications and processes into compliance.
{See my post on Approaches to ICD-10 Compliance here}
5. Create some process and reference materials to support the on-boarding process. Create an on-boarding guide and require all team members to add to and edit the guide.
{This will accelerate bringing on new team members and help to provide consistency across varying skill sets and levels.}
More simple ideas, eh? Check back for Part 3 of this multipart series on Classic & Contemporary Lessons Learned - For Your ICD-10 Project.
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