On Friday, August 19th, 2016, I hosted the weekly #HITsm tweetchat. The theme of the chat was "Acquiring, Managing & Disseminating Health IT Knowledge." A total of 75 participants tweeted 561 times for 5.2M impressions. Here are the stats from @Symplur.
Thanks to all who participated. And special thanks to @HealthStandards who allowed me to host. And thanks to Captain Angela - aka @HealthIsCool - who kept us on track!
The following is a summary of ALL of the tweets made during the chat - except for retweets, the usual 'salutations,' thank you's' and 'have a great weekend' tweets.
Thanks to all who participated. And special thanks to @HealthStandards who allowed me to host. And thanks to Captain Angela - aka @HealthIsCool - who kept us on track!
What Follows?
Topic 1: What are
some of your favorite tools & methods for finding, curating, storing and
sharing information?
Fav tools for
finding info are peeps on Twitter and info from places like @HealthITNews,
@MobiHealthNews, @medcitynews & more.
Twitter and
THIS community, also LinkedIN
RSS feeds,
Google Alerts, Hootsuite searches & “daily news summaries” are my primary
My favorite
tool for finding, curating, storing & sharing information is Twitter.
Period. End of tweet.
Not sure I have
a good curation strategy though. Mostly skimming articles, finding what
interests me. Focus on legal aspects.
For six years
now, @twitter has been my key platform for curation &
personal/professional learning. The key is a tailored network.
Peeps I follow
on twitter, @Tweetdeck, @tweetchat, Google alerts, @HubSpot , @Storify https://t.co/V3xoNJDmWa
Twitter, of
course! And Twitter lists! https://t.co/jkOuqeC8Db
My favs are
Buffer and Hootsuite. Also follow #HITsm #HCLDR #HIT100 for thought leaders
Type of tool to
use depends a lot on personal preferences, as well as your purpose, who &
how many your share with.
Totally agree
on @hootsuite. I also use @Pocket to save articles, which you can tag by
subject. Then I can read them later.
Finding great
content - use @twitter the most - search on key words and follow you people!
Also Google
Alerts for info. gathering
Hootsuite is
also my "go to" for social content curation
I like to look
at who the “top dogs” follow and can usually find good follows/info there.
I also have a
@hootsuite tab dedicated solely to conference hashtags to get the good info
if I can't be there.
Instead of
lists, I curate my followers AND handles I follow to end up with the most
informative, accurate, noise free feed~
I rely
SIGNIFICANTLY on Twitter lists (and Hootsuite)
Have to say
that since I mostly keep a constant eye on Twitter, Tweetdeck one for me.
Like autostream.
I typically
don't have ANY trouble finding valuable content... It's READING it all that's
the challenge!
@nuzzel and
@Morning_eHealth help me curate. Twitter helps me share.
tailored feed: I vet every handle that wants2 follow me & every handle I
follow up front. Time intensive
Basic Tweetdeck
column for each frequently-searched hashtag also helpful.
network, yes. I started w twitter as my repository of primary references but
it quickly evolved @nxtstop1 @twitter
Agree, usually
participating in vibrant chats here is a good mechanism to find quality
curators to follow @Colin_Hung
Shameless Plug
Alert!: We'll be live streaming @MandiBPro's Keynote at #GLHCSummit16 on YouTube
next Tuesday! https://t.co/ovkjvynwSQ
Agree; More
than 5 page articles lose me! https://t.co/UgYuRA1g6N
I'm a
hoarder...I should start dumping! https://t.co/Y8St13CSdb
#DigitalHealth #Startups Can Influence Influencershttps://t.co/S38l7MkOZF #hit100 https://t.co/eyaNVEoU4z
This is why we
still use fax in #healthcare...https://t.co/nXv7qD5bGA ? #healthIT #InfoSec
#HIT100 #EHR https://t.co/UWra2VR0Pn
Topic 2:
What/who are some of your favorite and ‘go to’ resources for #HealthIT
Well for sure
most of those nominated to the #HIT100 and many in the #HIT500 are good
sources of & #HealthIT info.
Hard to list
all. As being said, divides between people and publications.
Just joining
#HITsm? We are on T2! The rest of the topic questions can be found
here: https://t.co/EjRevR8RAT https://t.co/FGcwXxgIfq
Fav go-to
resources? All outside #HealthIT industry in #BPM Business Process Management
industry. (Sorry!) https://t.co/DRn6facbg8
I like the
HIStalk Practice emails @JennDennard puts together.
Also finding podcasts
helpful. Like #HITMarketer, #HITcast, @WeekinHealthLaw & @politico
My twitter
lists, @ShimCode 's blog, #HITsm / #HCLDR / #Telemedicine / #Interoperability
/ #EMPI / #Alzheimers / #KareoChat
The list is WAY
too long to fit in 140. But suffice to say that they all fall within the
#HITMC & #HITSM communities!
I’ll be posting
a pared down version of my Browser Bookmarks in this folder after the #HITsm
chat: https://t.co/12nzGRtbL4
I have to say
@HIMSS and @HealthITNews (also HIMSS for news)
IT> (or any topic):initial 1rst step: join tweet chats to listen &
learn. Gather info, make note of insightful comments.
I find the #HIMSS
social media ambassador to be a great resource. Pubs like @medcitynews
@HealthITNews @HealthcareScene
I also enjoy
podcasts! Great alternative to written content. @healthstandards #HITcast
with @JennDennard @OchoTex is a good one.
If you list
#HealthIT or other keywords in your Twitter bio, the algorithm will suggest
like-minded folks.
I’ve also
posted my RSS feeds in a word doc so you can easily see the sources of the
#HITsm info I think is good. Same folder I shared
I have been
really impressed with the quality of #HIT related content that comes out of
pubs like @NewYorker @Forbes & @WSJ
How about this?
“RSS feeds of Doctor-Produced #Health and #Medical Information” https://t.co/lqRS0wYcVW
I use hashtags
for discovery. I use Hootsuite and lists for organizing and reflecting.
#hcsm https://t.co/H9U9gcjNdp
Healthcare emails alerts are always where I hear breaking stuff first.
I like
@HealthITNews @HarvardBiz @Forbes @WSJ to name a few...
Daily News
Summaries are great!
Curriculum Approach to Finding, Creating, & Posting Great #hcsm Content”
(Read this, get a PhD) https://t.co/xd4WRWr4V8
For deep
thought content, I am a crazed Atul Gawande & Joseph Kvedar fan boy!
@histalk is a
must read, some #HIT trade pubs, Google Alerts for issues we care about,
Twitter #HITsm peeps! https://t.co/knaU48exu3
Big fan of
Twitter, podcasts, video & blogging. Cover ALL platforms but struggle
with consistency of output. https://t.co/NQ8HzPJUqP
Absolutely one
of my go-to's for Health IT News n Views! https://t.co/fs9qZXnks1
Do you guys
know about the "one tab" plugin? https://t.co/Tc8R0ZfcN1
I recently
started listening to @politico's new podcast Pulse Check - it's great! https://t.co/fj7iTpeifI
Depends on how
tweet chat is Storified. If lightly curated > accuracy & completeness
You can use
@Symplur to search on a specific hashtag and then look at who top tweets are from to find good resources
Agree, though
the ‘checkout our sponsors content’ gets a little spammy for me. Prefer
organic insights. https://t.co/pG8L7AefbJ
My Hootsuite:
See OPML & Word file containing & related RSS Feeds https://t.co/12nzGRtbL4 https://t.co/RB7g4zWo1n
Agree! I SO miss the days of the 3 inch Sunday Paper! https://t.co/kzrnMt2GeF
“Finding and
Evaluating Online Resources” https://t.co/aNhDHotNoZ
Good catch
Steve! https://t.co/1lGqyNBaA2
Topic 3: What
are your preferred media, channels and formats for consuming and conveying
#HealthIT info?
My preferred
social media? Besides Twitter? #Blab boohoo blubber weep (but #Blab2 is
coming I believe!)
An RSS reader
is my primary “dashboard” for reviewing and reading articles and information
Agree with
@ElinSilveous on digital. Also like in-person conferences. Face to face
interax awesome.
I prefer
information that’s formatted in a manner that allows me to easily
categorize/index, store it & retrieve it.
So true, Matt!
Person-to-Person not to be overlooked.
I like
‘bite-sized’ pieces of info “Get Big Impact from Bite-Sized Content” Info here: https://t.co/aSNi8OwVfh
There's no
question that Twitter is my preferred medium... I need to do a better job of
incorporating other channels.
Twitter lists
viewed in Hootsuite and RSS Feeds in Buffer are my primary sources. See this: https://t.co/ZNSIQpuPLZ
Preferred media
would be text or video on phone...though #CDA 4 interop.
Agree. Being
succinct forces you to distill info. I prefer short posts for general info.
Long form good for research
LOL. Truth is
that with chats like #HITsm #hcldr #hcsm you only get full value when you
read transcript after @Matt_R_Fisher
"A little
information is a dangerous tool" applies. Vet the info- reliability =
timeliness & source
Topic 4: What
are some considerations u make when assessing the validity, reliability,
usefulness of information?
How I assess
info? 1 Nature of author 2 Quality of argument 3 Contribution to community
goals #ethics Image here: https://t.co/qXAF1ZeAuc
The old adage:
“Consider the source” is an ‘adage’ for a reason.
Agree with
@ShimCode & @wareFLO on considering source. Also vet against my own understanding.
As physician,
want to make sure items that I share are from a reputable source, containing
relevant info, & hopefully open access
Not always
possible to filter out something bad, so if later find it, will correct and
I always
consider the source, known biases, and sponsor of content when assessing
validity. (Hi all!)
Reputation of
the site 1st & foremost. Then author, then relevance of content. So many
new authors it's hard to tell good from bad
Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of
Medicine.” Info here: https://t.co/8AKtQVym1j
Good info here:
“Evaluating Internet Resources” https://t.co/7iKslBdr0T
This is why
curating one's network up front is invaluable. Weed out inaccurate, biased,
spam sources upfront...block ~ 50% handles
If our #HITsm
#HCLDR Healthcare community shares, quotes, pays attention to the info being
Don't know if
you've noticed, but I share. A LOT! I read EVERYTHING first and toss a lot of
spam. You gotta kiss some frogs!
What site it's
on, Who wrote it, Whether facts are substantiated, Does it read
And here:
“Criteria for Assessing Accuracy/Validity of a Website” (See addtl resources
in this document: https://t.co/qooWRPjnuh)
In #healthIT,
in addition to the quality of the content, the layout and design is
important. Can't turn me off.
Often I re: email
or something where I know I will "touch it" again, easily
filed=easily forgotten in my world
I print them
and store them in my file-o-fax
Folders of sub-folders of bookmarks.
IMO, there are
3 main options: Spreadsheet/Word doc, Trello/Kanban board, or Content Mgmt
System. I use the first two.
How do I
organize info? Twitter, Twitter & Twitter. It is my external brain.
Guess I should
have mentioned the @OneTab plugin here! https://t.co/7YUmJFqiK9
I'm terrible at
this... Can't wait to see how others do it!
Why, in plastic
bins, of course.
As with all
references, if I'm truly interested >have a research type blog on going
& will add REFs there for future writing ~
Organization is
a process- Research is organically chaotic to yield the best results
One of my
multiple Trello boards. Example here: https://t.co/4evBAhWN4d
Though, to be
consistent w/my workflow "brand" here is my daily Twitter workflow
:) https://t.co/IoInFqoDq9
Haven’t been
able to get value from @evernote or @msonenote
Of course a
well- organized directory structure – preferably in the cloud – is a basic
Totally agree
on @Trello. Great especially for visual people.
I love and
appreciate the way @nxtstop1 curates our #HITsm transcripts. Keepers!
I often
summarize Tweetchats into a blog post. And I’ll do that for this chat too.
Check back at my blog w/in a week.
Lots of content
in @Dropbox and bookmarks. Been writing #python scripts and #NLP tools to
make sense and extract relevant content
Late response.
I have a master Google Spreadsheet with all my needed & most-useful #HIT
Here’s how I
(try to) manage a tweetchat using @Tweetdeck. Image here: https://t.co/NhBskfNnlZ
Miscellaneous Topics
“How to engage
your patients on social media – without violating HIPAA!” https://t.co/p406QxOh1x
A bunch of
social video services will likely try 2 pivot into #Blab s space, prob is N2N
video very expensive
Isn't it sad
that so few people have had the pleasure of newsprint ink on their fingers?
There is
something classic about turning real pages. Hopefully books follow path of
vinyl records - cool again @ebukstel @ShimCode
Weird thing is,
I've become somewhat allergic to newsprint > #Itchy, used to read 4-5
newspapers a morning...
Am visualizing
your closet Steve. All suits organized by style and color?
Close: All
t-shirts, shorts & ball caps organized by size, L, XL, & XXL. Hope to
get back into the XL and L one day!
Another good
list: “Top 100 List of Health Websites You Can Trust” See here: https://t.co/NOrkZLJxVs
This from
@wareflo earlier today: https://t.co/r5QcFGeq0O
and Dissemination Strategies To Facilitate the Use of Health and Health Care
Evidence” https://t.co/6rqVrnv5C4
Yes, like
content, not pitch for a service. Tell me about an issue, not what you can
I think that all of the above tweets provide great info and ideas for those looking to acquire, manage, and disseminate health IT knowledge - whether beginner or expert. I suggest that if you like something one or more of the tweeps above have shared, that you follow them and/or reach out to them and engage them for more of their insight.
In the meantime, if you're interested in healthcare data, technology and services, consider following me on Twitter where I use the above referenced techniques on a near daily basis.
Thanks again to all those who participated in this #HITsm tweetchat in any way, shape or form.
In the meantime, if you're interested in healthcare data, technology and services, consider following me on Twitter where I use the above referenced techniques on a near daily basis.
Thanks again to all those who participated in this #HITsm tweetchat in any way, shape or form.
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