Thursday, February 18, 2016

Twitter Stats on 2016 HIMSS Conference Social Media Ambassadors

Here are some interesting (at least to me) statistics regarding the Twitter accounts of the 2016 HIMSS Social Media Ambassadors. Whether attending the 2016 HIMSS Conference in person or not, you may want to follow some or all of these SMA's. You can follow these SMA's individually or all at once using this Twitter List of 2016 HIMSS Social Media Ambassadors.

Note: All data is as of 2/18/16 @ 13:15

Average Stats for All SMA's
Followers 11444
Friends 5638
Tweets 29426
Listed 866
Tweets per Day 13.5
Join Date 12/09/09
Days on Twitter 2261

Bio Description

Handle Name Bio
@ahier Brian Ahier Passionate about healthcare, technology and government 2.0
@Brad_Justus Brad Justus The Most Connected Health Information Management Expert | ICD-10 Whisperer | 2014/15/16 HIMSS Social Media Ambassador
@CancerGeek CancerGeek Global Healthcare Product Marketing; Build Hosp, Cancer Ctrs & Service Lines; Design Patient Experiences; #HCLDR #radiology #cancer
@Colin_Hung Colin Hung True believer in #HealthIT & patient empowerment. By day, Marketing @StericycleComms @PatientPrompt. By night, #hcldr co-founder & moderator.
@drnic1 Nick van Terheyden CMO @DellHealth prvdng thought leadrshp & stratgc insight 2help @Dell advance support h/c, Drs & Pts
#HCIT #HCLDR #hcsm #DigitalHealth
@drstclaire Tamara StClaire Creating the future of patient-driven care @XeroxHealthcare. Passionate about #mHealth and #Telehealth possibilities.
@EMRAnswers Linda Stotsky #HealthIT #Usability Geek | Clinical PM, Passionate About Creating Systems that Work 4 End Users & PTs. #Interoperability #UX | #HIMSS16 SMA |  #HITsm, #HCLDR
@GlennLanteigne  Glenn Lanteigne #HEALTHCARE EXECUTIVE Driving Transformation & Innovation Private-Public Sector in Canada, USA & UK, Ex-Military, @COACH_HI @HIMSS @Tectoniconline
@gnayyar Geeta Nayyar, MD MBA Tweeting from a doctors' POV on #mHealth #HealthTech #DigitalHealth & More. Feminista, Mom & Indian American.
@HealthcareWen Wen Dombrowski MD Physician… #Innovation #Tech #Data #UX #HealthIT #ICT4D #SocialMedia #Policy #Aging #HomeCare #HPM #Disability #SDoH † ♫(Views/RT=food for thought, ≠endorse)
@healthythinker Jane Sarasohn-Kahn Health economist, advisor, communicator, and trend weaver. Find me at and
@janicemccallum Janice McCallum Consultant. Specialize in sources & uses of #healthdata, #healthIT, #CDS & #EBM. Independent board member. #HIMSS16 SoMe ambassador.
@MandiBPro Mandi Bishop #Healthdata and #CrossFit #geek. #HITsm #hcsm #hcldr #HealthITChicks fan. #HIMSS16 SMA, #healthIT evangelist. #Healthcare #Analytics Owner @DellHealth
@Matt_R_Fisher Matt Fisher Healthcare lawyer. Focus on regulatory compliance, HIPAA, privacy/security, fraud & abuse. Chair of Mirick O’Connell Health Law Group. Views ≠ legal advice.
@pat_health Pat Rich Canadian social media health care commentator and observer. Medical writer and editor. Views are my own
@ShahidNShah Shahid Shah Shahid Shah is a Gov 2.0 & Health Sciences Innovator / Speaker. Chair of #HealthIMPACT Forum, Co-Chair of
@ShimCode Steve Sisko Healthcare IT Service Manager | Transparency, Consumerism, Medicare, Risk Adjustment, Quality Measurement, Product Mgmt | See @HITConfGuy also | #HITsm
@techguy John Lynn Blogger and Entrepreneur. See also @ehrandhit @tvblog #vegastech, ultimate frisbee, etc etc etc.
@wareFLO Charles Webster MD MD/Industrial Engineer #HIMSS16 Social Media Ambassador 3rd year in row Task Workflow Interoperability #HIMSSworkflow #BPM #FHIR #HatCam
@WTBunting Bill Bunting Proud #dad & #healthIT black sheep. Advocate for improving #healthcare w/ #bigdata #mHealth #digitalhealth #pophealth. #HCldr #HITsm #HCsm #pinksocks #HIMSS16

Length of Time on Twitter

Handle Member Since   Days on   Twitter
@techguy 03/31/07 3246
@ShahidNShah 07/21/07 3134
@ShimCode 02/14/08 2926
@drnic1 05/07/08 2843
@healthythinker 10/23/08 2674
@gnayyar 12/01/08 2635
@wareFLO 12/16/08 2620
@ahier 12/19/08 2617
@pat_health 02/16/09 2558
@janicemccallum 03/17/09 2529
@EMRAnswers 06/18/09 2436
@CancerGeek 06/24/09 2430
@GlennLanteigne 02/18/10 2191
@Colin_Hung 10/26/10 1941
@Brad_Justus 12/14/10 1892
@HealthcareWen 03/04/11 1812
@Matt_R_Fisher 07/19/11 1675
@MandiBPro 07/19/12 1309
@drstclaire 09/04/13 897
@WTBunting 10/14/13 857

Least to Most Prolific Tweeters

Handle Tweets Tweets Per Day  Member  Since
@ShahidNShah 1799 0.57 07/21/07
@drstclaire 1159 1.29 09/04/13
@gnayyar 6882 2.61 12/01/08
@GlennLanteigne 10415 4.75 02/18/10
@techguy 21753 6.7 03/31/07
@pat_health 18253 7.13 02/16/09
@janicemccallum 18134 7.17 03/17/09
@healthythinker 19879 7.43 10/23/08
@Matt_R_Fisher 12716 7.59 07/19/11
@ShimCode 29184 9.97 02/14/08
@ahier 36257 13.85 12/19/08
@EMRAnswers 36567 15.2 06/18/09
@Colin_Hung 30185 15.55 10/26/10
@WTBunting 16937 19.76 10/14/13
@drnic1 56278 19.79 05/07/08
@Brad_Justus 45353 20.09 12/14/10
@HealthcareWen 38335 21.15 03/04/11
@CancerGeek 65013 26.75 06/24/09
@wareFLO 80701 30.8 12/16/08
@MandiBPro 42720 32.63 07/19/12

Follower to Listed Ratio

This is a ratio of Followers to Number of Lists each account is on. I think it's a good indicator of account 'popularity." It's easy to follow someone but takes effort -albeit not a lot of effort - to add an account to a list. It can be thought of as "The percentage of my followers who took the time to add me to a list." (And I understand that one follower could add you to multiple lists)

Handle Followers    Listed     Follower :    List Ratio
@drstclaire 952 149 0.157
@drnic1 7374 1098 0.149
@CancerGeek 6345 940 0.148
@Matt_R_Fisher 2879 368 0.128
@wareFLO 7460 951 0.127
@MandiBPro 13800 1498 0.109
@ShahidNShah 4618 404 0.087
@ShimCode 9836 851 0.087
@GlennLanteigne 4270 324 0.076
@janicemccallum 11074 800 0.072
@healthythinker 20943 1509 0.072
@WTBunting 14623 1047 0.072
@pat_health 5591 388 0.069
@EMRAnswers 13051 899 0.069
@techguy 9949 615 0.062
@Colin_Hung 8499 518 0.061
@ahier 34430 2056 0.060
@HealthcareWen 29698 1715 0.058
@gnayyar 12643 698 0.055
@Brad_Justus 10854 497 0.046

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