Monday, August 29, 2016

How will the role of a successful #HealthIT #CIO change as we enter post-EHR era?

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Last Friday the theme of the weekly #HITsm tweetchat was “The Future Skills of Health IT.” The chat was hosted by Rachel Macklin, Director of Talent Acquisition & Brand Strategy in Health IT for Jackson Health IT Staffing. Rachel can be found on Twitter as @rmacklinrecruit.

All of the topics elicited a lot of good comments and ideas. Since I was not able to hang around for the last question #5, I pulled the transcript from Twitter and have culled out interesting responses; here for viewing pleasure.

T5: How will the role of a successful #HealthIT #CIO change as we enter post-EHR era?  

Response to Topic #5
Think it will be quite a while before we can say we're "post -EHR"…
Many of the points distill down to maturation of the CIO role. Becoming key part of C-suite. 
Well, EHR's are not a total solution. So what else can be done to #Healthcare with #DigitalHealth ? Many avenues exist to improve 
No longer the "IT person." That's gone. Now a top-level resource stakeholder and facilitator, orchestrating improvement. 

Ability to Harness Info & Innovate Quickly

Response to Topic #5
Ability to harness different streams and sources of data. Filter the noise. Keep the engine running
CIOs should be judged on their ability to implement new innovations (cloud, #infosec, analytics) not on ability to install Epic. 
CIO evolves to be strategic about using information to drive patient engagement in value driven market 

Ability to Document ROI of Programs/Projects

Response to Topic #5
No more gold stars for EHR implementation; now need ROI with Analytics, Process Improvement, Security, #Telemedicine 
ROI, analytics w/ LEAN is the big picture

Cybersecurity, Workflow & Data Exchange

Response to Topic #5
Security will continue to grow in prominence. If data can't be protected, all will lose. 
IMO to Chief Process Officer/Chief Workflow Officer
What about #HIE? Move to #Interoperability #CareCoordination #HealthEquity Lots more a CIO can achieve to change #Healthcare 

But Wait! There's More!

One of the participants, Jared Johnson aka @jaredpiano reminded participants of two podcast interviews made with two healthcare CIO's on the evolving role of CIO. 

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