The hashtag for the summit was #OWHIC and this post presents the most shared tweets and also those tweets having particular interest and content value (as perceived by me). :)
Look for another summary of tweets from Day Two and Day Three of the summit later this week.
Top Tweets from Day One |
Partha Bose @parthabose
1 in 9 people in the US work in Healthcare - most not in
consumer facing jobs. Will AI change that?
GuideWell @_guidewell
Consolidation, net promoter score, #futureofwork @lsilverwoman
challenges @AHIPCoverage’s MTavenner @Highmark’s DHolmberg to an #OWHIC game.
Tawana Davis @tawanaldavis
Get to know more about the "bedless hospital" + how it
can bridge us to #valuebasedcare h/t @RasuShrestha #xmed
GuideWell @_guidewell
How money became the measure of everything, by @Peeloi
Thorsten Kampp @thorstenkampp
Success factors for accelerating #innovation through strategic
partnerships @OWHealthEditor @fiercehealthcare
Select Tweets from Day One |
Oliver Wyman Health @owhealtheditor
#OWHealth Journal: @color on how genetics can cut treatment
costs by getting services to those most at risk.
Oliver Wyman Health @owhealtheditor
#OWHealth Journal: As one of the highest costs in HC, #pharma
must develop a metric to explain pricing.
Niyum Gandhi @niyumgandhi
@Highmark CEO David Holmberg challenges insurance industry: “The
days of aggregating lives and paying claims being enough are over”
Oliver Wyman Health @owhealtheditor
Health Innovation Journal: Perspectives on how healthcare could
be reshaped & how to prepare
Oliver Wyman @oliverwyman
Heard at #OWHIC: "The Affordable Care Act is far beyond the
exchanges." - @AHIPCoverage Marilyn Tavenner
Oliver Wyman @oliverwyman
Heard at #OWHIC: "We have to find a way for healthcare to
be affordable for it to be sustainable." - @Highmark David Holmberg
Oliver Wyman Health @owhealtheditor
Heard at #OWHIC: (On the #ACA) "It's not about how many
people we cover, it's about changing the model." - @AHIPCoverage
Christie Hyde DeNave @christiesays
How do we integrate #AI into #healthcare when fax machines are
still an integral part of it? @SamOnHealth shares his thoughts in @_GuideWell
Insights Lounge at #OWHIC
Oliver Wyman @oliverwyman
For more information on healthcare information technology and related topics, consider following me on Twitter where I post as @ShimCode. And also look at @HITConfGuy where I share information about Healthcare conferences and events.
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