Thursday, August 20, 2015
Did you miss yesterday's #HealthITChicks tweetchat? Here's a formatted transcript
The #HealthITChicks tweetchat always produces some good insight into a wide variety of healthcare information technology and related topics. Yesterday's chat hosted by Dr. Geeta Nayyar (@gnayyar) was no exception. For those who may not have participated - and for those who did participate and would like a recap - I have culled out select tweets and arranged them by topic.
Let’s Get this Chat Started!
@gnayyar - Welcome to the chat! Let’s take a few minutes to introduce ourselves.
@gnayyar - I’m Dr. Geeta Nayyar, Chief Healthcare and Innovation Officer, @TopLineMD, and Huff Post Blogger.
@gnayyar - I also serve as Ass. Clinical Prof. of Medicine, Dept. of Rheumatology FIU & GW
@cmaer - By the way - in case we get any cross-pollination in competing chats today - #HITChicks meet #hcsmca - #hcsmca meet #HITChicks
T1: What New Apps Are On Your Radar?
@gnayyar - “Uber for healthcare” seems to be all the rage. What new apps are on your radar?
@virtualdbgal - Definite app that I'm liking is @carezone for linking caregivers and patients.
@erinewold - Any app that will allow patients to own their data and interaction with their hc provider! #Telemedicine
@nxtstop1 - T1 For MT @gnayyar: “Uber for healthcare” seems to be all the rage. What new apps are on your radar? ”
@mmaxwellstroud - Oh dear. I am so tired of "Uber for X"...
@daniellebyron - Skywriter MD service just came across my inbox. Interesting combo of high tech and old fashioned medical transcribers
@drstclaire - A1: #mHealth apps that integrate into the industry will be the most transformational. @CocoonCam looks promising :)
@jenndennard - SanFran-based @circlemd and their app seems interesting - house calls with full-time MDs (and they travel to appts via Uber!)
@btrfly12 - I've been working with @intakeme - product launch coming this fall.
@katmcdavitt - uber-style healthcare apps will gain momentum @chrissyfarr summed up the hc switching economy last week
@pattyldickerson - A1: I'm watching Yelp now that it includes hospital, post-acute data
@greg_meyer93 - Personal fav is still #iBlueButton. And hats off to @BettinaExperton for her mention in Forbes this week!
@sarahbennight - #1 struggling to find something that really works for me. The apps are very manual for now. Using Mango to remind me of my meds
@mmaxwellstroud - #carecoordination going to be big with the introduction of bundled payments...the question is who will get it right
@ehrandhit - What will it take for doctors to be excited about Uber style healthcare apps? Could it fill in cancelled appointments?
@erinewold - T1: I would app where I can take pictures on my phone of wound/injury & auto upload to my patient portal for my physician to see
@ebacon - I’m a rare Uber naysayer. How on earth can we guarantee safety & quality in *healthcare* from a peer/sharing economy perspective?
@mmaxwellstroud - One option we have been working on for #Carecoordination is @PinpointCare
@healthcora - @ehrandhit If it empowers providers, promotes efficiency, aligns with incentives... doctors will get on-board
@dkasim - @ehrandhit something needs to make it easier for #patients to make appts without long phone times
@healthcora - @techguy Drop-off for #wearables and #patientengagement feels high to me; are we using the right psychology?
@gnayyar - How do you engage beyond apps and patient portals?
@mmaxwellstroud - I worry that with the focus on interop and HIEs and #BigData that we forget that some users are still working on accurate data
@ebacon - The only meaningful “engagement” is to ignite intrinsic motivators. D. Pink says that’s autonomy - mastery - meaning.
@pattyldickerson - I still use the standard day of week pill box to help me keep track @techguy @sarahbennight
@janicemccallum - Will most apps be acquired or die? Accenture thinks so. See Zombie Startups report:
@nxtstop1 - Nursing Homes, Next:rate #telemedicine services @Yelp MT @PattyLDickerson: A1:watch Yelp now>includes hospital, postacute data ”
@ehrandhit - Is that naysaying or being realistic? In healthcare we need more vetting than they do w/ drivers.
@emaginekrystal - T1: THe IDdx app looks interesting. It helps diagnose difficult infectious diseases in patients.
@ebacon - Until all co’s truly support what UX means in practice (research, design, validation) then dhealth's UX will be THE issue
@techguy - I like the pill bottle that knows when you took the pill, but that's expensive and still not seamless.
@mmaxwellstroud - Engaging patients is not about software. It's about relationships, and communication
@jmcelio - .@gnayyar #UX is definitely an issue; what's intuitive to a millennial may not be intuitive to a senior
@techguy - The challenge was that it wasn't providing ongoing value to my wife. So, she stopped. True for many apps
@cnluken - @healthcora I recently signedUp 4 @patientslikeme! Been SUPER excited 2 start using it, just havent found the time yet
@healthcora - @DanielleByron @JennDennard @gnayyar Yes! Apps aren't just for patients but their advocates & medical reps
@mmaxwellstroud - When a software solution works correctly, it is part of the background, and the provider/patient relationship is in focus
@lynnthinksbig - @JennDennard @gnayyar Definitely see UX as a huge component of participation with all groups but especially seniors
@ehrandhit - I think we need to solve interoperability for the peer healthcare economy to happen.
@healthcora - @katmcdavitt @gnayyar Uber knows about all of my rides in any city; my Dr. doesn't always know I went to the ER in the same city
@jmcelio - If patient portal is app-based, makes info & HCP access that much more portable and efficient
@ehrandhit - Online banking wasn't a criteria either forever, but then it became a defacto standard.
@cdntcs_atlanta - @gnayyar But many people don't always know what choices they're deciding between. Tools to promote transparency are needed too.
@jmcelio - .@healthcora @gnayyar - @startweaving is a great app for professional matchmaking - it led me to my new job!
@jenndennard - @jslentzclifton Yep, the name of the husband/wife-led text-based app for mental health issues escapes me. Big room for potential!
@gnayyar - My FitBit is always with me.
T2: How do you see different generations (millennials, seniors, etc.) embracing digital health? Is #UX an issue?
@gnayyar - Next topic, shall we? How do you see different generations(millennials, seniors, etc.) embracing digital health? Is #UX an issue?
@healthcora - @gnayyar I've noticed how freely millenials give their data. Big opportunities in #healthdata & #bigdata, less focus on #privacy
@drstclaire - .@gnayyar @XeroxHealthcare #EHR survey revealed boomers like digital for logistics, while millennials enjoy convenience, access
@greg_meyer93 - T2: Absolutely. I still hate Instagram vs Facebook. UX still kills me. Call me gramps. #HITChicks.
@daniellebyron - @gnayyar Seniors are tech savy - just avoid that tiny font #UX
@consanomolly - T2: I think it's a different learning curve for each generation -- more education necessary if you haven't always "known" tech
@drstclaire - More information on generational differences here!
@sarahbennight - T2: My dad is a senior with a chronic degenerative disease. He won't embrance tech at all. He just shows up for doc appts.
@gnayyar - Millennials & technology are changing the way patients & Drs. interact - 71% of millennials would like their Dr. to use an app
@nursenadeen - Topic 2 Millenials will be doc shopping and doing pre-appt. research more than prev. generations did 4 sure @billians
@nxtstop1 - T2 MT @gnayyar: How do you see different generations(millennials, seniors, etc.) embracing digital health? Is #UX an issue? #HITchicks”
@emaginekrystal - T2: My father is pretty well! He is eager to learn the "latest and greatest" w/ technology. But some have a hard time.
@jenndennard - @gnayyar Thought it was interesting, tho that millenials also aren't totally averse to developing in-person relationship with PCP
@pattyldickerson - A2: Convenience for millennials seems to coincide with accessibility... don't need to see doctor face to face.
@erinewold - T2:Younger gen by far embrace digital health. But I think the lack of education all around has done disservice 2 digital health.
@gnayyar - 60% of millennials support the use of telehealth options
@emaginekrystal - T2 Cont: I like to help seniors learn new Digital Health apps. Some like to learn them!
@mightycasey - A2: Desire for relationship w/clinical team comes w/need. IOW, if you're healthy, convenience trumps relationship.
@gnayyar - What about this stats? 71% of millennials would like their Dr. to use an app
@pattyldickerson - Accessibility outside the office is key! MT @gnayyar 60% of millennials support the use of telehealth options
@lesliebrownatl - T2: As a millennial, I like the idea of having healthcare right when I need it, wherever I am. Drs being connected is ideal!
@mightycasey - A2: All it takes is one cancer, or epic-chronic, dx and you're ALL ABOUT relationship w/clinical partners, no matter your age.
@cnluken - @JennDennard @gnayyar I think that as the millennials start getting older, this will change. settle down-buy house-find close PCP
@nxtstop1 - T2 The issue w/ app uptake is developers working in vacuum>WITHOUT end users~The Best VCs complain re not answering pain points
@ebacon - Demographic divides aren’t as important as users' GOALS - shared goals tends to mean shared behaviors, thus feeding proper UX
@nxtstop1 - T2 When developers simply "divining" apps w/out intimately knowing the probs/pain points 2B addressed=recipe for 30 day wonder!
@mightycasey - A2: bottom line, most peeps think healthcare happens "over there" to "sick people," not to them. Another mind-shift.
@jmcelio - Yes, I helped a 6 y.o. address an envelope - he wrote the address on the very top. Makes sense, right? :)
T3: What have you taken away from the #ilooklikeanengineer / #ilooklikeasurgeon / #ilooklikeaurologist movements?
@gnayyar - Ready for Topic 3? What have you taken away from the #ilooklikeanengineer / #ilooklikeasurgeon #ilooklikeaurologist movements?
@lesliebrownatl - T3: Our appearances are different, but each of our brains is as capable as the next. #ilooklikanengineer
@jmcelio - You're absolutely right, and THAT is a shame! Still rely so much on patient self-report & self-caremgmt
@pattyldickerson - A3: I think these campaigns #Ilooklikeanengineer / #Ilooklikeasurgeion / etc.. are showing that we are making progress.
@healthcora - Loved seeing enthusiasm for careers in the #STEMfem & #HITchicks community; we're happy doing this work @gnayyar
@drstclaire - A3: I'm proud of the industry's #diversity, but wish we didn't still need to have the conversation. #ILookLikeAnEngineer
@jslentzclifton - T3 Seeing representation of folks like you make it seem more possible to achieve. Digging the msg!
@pattytsheridan - Q3: I love it! Women in STEM! …
@dkasim - I look like my own #caremanager and do the same for my #parents - knew I should have gone to med school ?
@erinewold - A3:these campaigns help break the stereotypes that have been built around each and opens conversation about each
@nursenadeen - T3 I think these movements help women to connect and raise global awareness..don't let up!! @gnayyar @billians
@nxtstop1 - T3 MT @gnayyar: What have you taken away from the #ilooklikeanengineer / #ilooklikeasurgeon #ilooklikeaurologist movements? #HITchicks”
@drstclaire - Many of my colleagues joined in #ILookLikeAnEngineer:
@pattytsheridan - @jslentzclifton The representation is good but more diversity needed in the messaging and images
@emaginekrystal - T3: Fighting stereotypes in STEM fields is interesting #ilooklikeanengineer. The others I'll admit I have to do more research on.
@mightycasey - A3: One could be forgiven for motion sickness induced by "no women!" "too many women!" headlines re tech industry, IMO.
@gnayyar - Are you tapping other women in healthcare as mentors? Men? Who do you rely on?
@ebacon - T3: Like @drstclaire, I’m pretty depressed that we’re still having this conversation about different yet equal….
@emaginekrystal - T3 Cont: It is sparking great concern for Tech diversity!
@mightycasey - A3: I know PLENTY of women coders, developers, engineers, working their a$es off in many industries. Too busy to tub-thump.
@nxtstop1 - T3 The hashtags for women in various fields/metier ie engineers,surgeons ,all #STEM esp when the minority > marvelous outreach
@mightycasey - A3: Key is to make sure girls are encouraged to play with tool-toys at earliest age they want to. [yay Target, BTW]
@healthcora - @gnayyar Depends on the subject matter. For professional development, I go right to thought leaders & set up coffee chats
@nxtstop1 - T3 The #ILookLikeASurgeon was supported by so many male surgeons> both in positions "above" & " below" in "hierarchy~affirming!
@sarahbennight - I tap into all of the #HITchicks who inspire me every day :) Esp. @ErinEWold @JennDennard @MandiBPro and #HITbros
@mightycasey - A3: Anyone else here WAY more interested in hardware store vs. shoe store? << Guilty as charged. ~ Signed, Power Tool Maven
@gnayyar - Great #HITchicks to tap!
@nxtstop1 - Me too> love it MT @jslentzclifton: T3 Seeing representation of folks like U make it seem more possible to achieve.Dig the msg! #hitchicks”
@jslentzclifton - Been supported by men & women fortunately, but resonates more when another woman props you (me) up for some reason. Shares exp?
@pattyldickerson - I've had to find mentors outside my roles/ organizations. Haven't worked at to many places with structured mentorship programs.
@nxtstop1 - @gnayyar A huge point. Our nation & world is significantly lessened by lack of parity of women...w/parity>A MUCH better world imo
@mightycasey - A3: I pioneered in engineer role in a male-dominated industry (net TV) in early '80s. Show up, stay fierce. That's the ticket.
@drstclaire - T3: The definition of a leader may need to change. Pounding the table & speaking loudly isn't always leadership.
@emranswers - @gnayyar Resume, experience, references speak for themselves----with #HITChicks the entire process requires backup. = more time = $
@nxtstop1 - Prob Never MT @drstclaire: T3: The definition of a leader>change. Pounding the table & speaking loudly isn't always leadership.”
@mightycasey - In re leadership, follow "keep showing up" rule. We may not get in on the 1st try, or even the 20th. Be un-ignorable, present.
T4: How have you seen social media tools evolve alongside digital health? Any favorites?
@gnayyar - Time for topic 4 already: How have you seen social media tools evolve alongside digital health? Any favorites?
@lesliebrownatl - T4: Yelp has started to give hospital ER wait times and experiences/reviews
@nxtstop1 - Plans 2 Rate #Telemedicine Re #EHR connect/antibiotic MT @LeslieBrownATL: T4: @Yelp gives hospital ER wait times & exp/reviews
@pattyldickerson - A4: I like mapmyrun, fitbit, and garmin connect that use social media to connect with your friends/co-workers on fitness goals.
@gnayyar - Parents are more likely to seek medical answers online: 22% use Facebook and 20% use YouTube source: @Mashable
@pattytsheridan - Q4 Social media in digital health doesn't seem 2 include interoperability. Many great apps but not seeing them all work together.
@btrfly12 - T4 Rise of health-related twitter communities! :) @symplur #gyncsm #patientchat
@btrfly12 - T4 There are a ton of Facebook patient communities as well.
@pattytsheridan - Q4. I have lost interest in many of the apps first to market. What is the next great app for health management?
@virtualdbgal - Healthcare org leaders need to hold EHR vendors accountable in providing true interop solutions.
@gnayyar - True! A recent study found 41% of people said social media would affect their choice of a specific Doc
@pattytsheridan - @VirtualDBGal Are EHR vendors even thinking beyond acute care and physician offices?
@nursenadeen - T4 I like #ChildhoodCancer and what @jhgivingback is doing globally around telehealth @jslentzclifton
@pattyldickerson - Social media integral to the research phase of the decision process, just now includes healthcare decision making @gnayyar
@mightycasey - @jslentzclifton @nxtstop1 @ckraemerPR @gnayyar Inconvenient truth: most industry-side data holders are SELLING deIDed pt data.
@lygeia - Use of social media generally can help bridge gender gaps in healthcare. Women use more than men
T5: It’s no secret women make majority of family HC decisions. How have you acted as a decision-maker lately?
@gnayyar - Topic 5: It’s no secret women make majority of family HC decisions. How have you acted as a decision-maker lately?
@lesliebrownatl - T5: Quick story: Dr confirmed with husband he was getting fasting labs, his response: "Idk I was just told to be here." :P
@pattyldickerson - A5: Yes, especially for me and husband. Have also become "influencer" for parents healthcare decisions.
@ebacon - A5: I think “woman as CEO of the household” for healthcare is about being primary secretary/scheduler vs. sole decision-maker
@sarahbennight - T5-Helping my mom take care of my dad with Parkinsons. And CMO of my own family. :)
@gnayyar - The good news is that the majority of women, over 65%, fully trust their physician. source: Harvard Business Review
@cnluken - T5: finding a new doc after looking thru apt notes on patient portal. Dont think the DR knew i could C what a mess the notes were #HITchicks
@katmcdavitt - I make all medical decisions for my family of four. It's a little scary sometimes!
@nxtstop1 - T5 After certain age (into adulthood)much less sway re healthcare direction/decisions regarding my family,ppl do what they want
@janicemccallum - T5: Been working w my mom to write down her #EOL wishes for her MOLST form. Not easy, esp given the way options are listed.
@btrfly12 - T5 hubs just sent all info to me re: his new job and picking health plan
@lygeia - T5: I scheduled eye exams 4 my child & husband--& got them fitted out w/glasses
@lesliebrownatl - Yep. Hubs got a yearly enrollment notice in mail. It should have been addressed to me, lol. MT @btrfly12 T5 hubs just sent all
@jslentzclifton - T5 Latest decision as healthcare HOH = pursuit of wellness: we joined the Y. Does that count? lol
Miscellaneous Tweets (Not entirely sure what topic these applied to)
@btrfly12 - When Startups Take on Gender Inequality, Women and Girls Win via @pointsoflight
@gnayyar - Those who are engaged as decision-makers in their care tend to be healthier and have better outcomes
@dkasim - #startups need to remember proof of #ROI #scalability to get #payers on board - they are the ones with the $
@gnayyar - Yes! Those who are engaged as decision-makers in their care tend to be healthier and have better outcomes
@ehrandhit - In fact, why should we be scheduling appointments mostly by phone still anyway?
@dkasim - Wish specialists who are notorious for running over schedule would do same!
@gnayyar - Those who are engaged as decision-makers in their care tend to be healthier and have better outcomes
@openhealthn - That's why our approach is 2 empower MDs Healthcare providers 2 create apps vs technologists!
@contineohealth - @gnayyar "Startups Vie to Build an Uber for #HealthCare" via @WSJ #mhealth
@gnayyar - Women make most of the family’s HC decisions. Why aren't they leading strategy more at HC companies?
@jenndennard - @MightyCasey You'll enjoy this article:
@ehrandhit - Such a good point. Lesson: You don't have to have all the data to provide value.
@greg_meyer93 - Will give props to @ReginaHolliday and the #BlueButton movement. Intertwined? Maybe
@ebacon - @gnayyar @drstclaire At our co, lots of women in strategy but excessive reliance on anecdotes & echo chamber means UX suffers
@ckraemerpr - Who knows more about your history- Uber or your MD? Join the #HITchicks tweet chat with @gnayyar
@ehrandhit - Twitter has a community for every chronic disease:
@ehrandhit - @Pattytsheridan @drstclaire I believe the next big mobile health innovation will be about packaging of other's innovations.
There’ a Few in Every Crowd!
@mswz - Yikes to the hashtag choice, folks. #HITCHICKS? @gnayyar @TopLineMD
@dkasim - @gnayyar #engagement is a #science and #art that #HIT can enable but not lead
@mightycasey - @JennDennard A-F***ING-MEN, baby. I hate pink. Truth be told, don't love blue much either. GREEN and PURPLE. Now we're talkin' =)
@jenndennard - I can't even keep up with the #HITchicks chat - @gnayyar is doing fab job + so many smart #healthIT peeps chiming in!
@jenndennard - @MMaxwellStroud @LynnThinksBig @MightyCasey So ... any company out there want to sponsor the #HIMSS16 #HITchicks shirts?
@greg_meyer93 - In male terms, we call this guy a genius. :)
@lynnthinksbig - @MMaxwellStroud @JennDennard @MightyCasey Really digging this t-shirt idea! Must have! We should do it!
@jenndennard - @MMaxwellStroud @LynnThinksBig @MightyCasey I think we officially had 50 last year, plus a few more non-registered
@nursenadeen - Hope #HITchicks can join @JennDennard and @billian in Boston 9/22 with @VecnaInc CEO @jslentzclifton @MandiBPro
@jenndennard - Any #HITchicks / #HITbros gonna be in Boston on 9/22? Join me for an event on Health Data Equity
That's all folks!!!
@daniellebyron - Thanks everyone - my head is swimming a bit from all the fast & furious conversation.
@pattyldickerson - My mom taught me a lot about what to ask, how to be engaged too! MT @btrfly12 Lucky that my mom is an super engaged patient...
@drstclaire - What great fun in today's #HITchicks chat! Thank you for hosting, @gnayyar @JennDennard
@jenndennard - Thanks @gnayyar for a great #HITchicks chat today!
@toplinemd - Important stats shared from @gnayyar today during the #HITchicks Twitter chat!
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